Panoramica: Siamo con Arie DeGues, un inventore indipendente, scienziato e teorico che non ha solo riscritto il libro sul nucleare e della fisica delle particelle, ma ha anche usato il suo potere predittivo della teoria di costruire una sorprendente molteplicità di tecnologie energetiche innovative, tra cui un Generatore di fusione IEC & ZPE generatore elettrico
This is a very special interview over three-years in the making. Arie was originally recommended by us by the late Dr. Eugene Mallove, who had repeatedly attempted to publish DeGeus research in “Infinite Energy Magazine” before DeGeus was ready to come forward. Questo è un colloquio molto speciale oltre i tre anni di lavoro. Arie è stato originariamente da noi consigliati dal compianto Dr. Eugene Mallove, che aveva più volte tentato di pubblicare ricerche DeGeus in "Infinite Energy Magazine" prima DeGeus era pronto a farsi avanti.
One of DeGeus most remarkable inventions is a device called the “plasmavolt” – an IEC fusion generator that supposedly uses a rotating plasma-vortex to create fusion between light-metal nuclei (Lithium, Beryllium, and Boron). The cathode containing these metals is the device's fuel, and experimental tester Michael McDonnough claimed that not only did it produce 80-watts of output energy for only 50-watts input, but that after running it on an oscilloscope for several months straight, the reaction byproduct that it generated was 6-grams of pure Potassium 40-19. Una delle invenzioni DeGeus più notevole è un dispositivo chiamato plasmavolt "" - un generatore di fusione IEC che utilizza presumibilmente un plasma rotante vortice di creare la fusione tra nuclei leggeri in metallo (litio, berillio e boro). Il catodo contenenti tali metalli è di carburante del dispositivo, e sperimentale tester Michael McDonnough ha sostenuto che non solo si producono 80 watt di energia di uscita a soli 50 watt di ingresso, ma che dopo aver eseguito su un oscilloscopio per diversi mesi dritto, il sottoprodotto di reazione che ha generato è stato di 6 -grammi di puro potassio 40-19.
We also discuss some of DeGeus other remarkable innovations, including several processes that he claims extract zero-point energy to produce useable electrical energy, and a form of cold-current that reverses the thermal-gradient of an electrical current to actually remove heat from a circuit, causing it to run cold. Abbiamo anche discussi alcuni dei DeGeus altre notevoli innovazioni, tra cui numerosi processi che egli pretende estrarre energia di punto zero per la produzione di energia elettrica utilizzabile, e una forma di fredda corrente che inverte il gradiente termico di una corrente elettrica per eliminare il calore in realtà da un circuito, causando l'esecuzione a freddo.
Because of the proprietary patent & intellectual property issues surrounding DeGeus research, his work is known only to a few --- but among those who know him he's considered to the leader in contemporary new-energy & alt-science research. A causa del brevetto di proprietà e questioni relative alla proprietà intellettuale che circondano la ricerca DeGeus, il suo lavoro è noto solo a pochi --- ma tra coloro che sanno che lui è considerato il leader in contemporanea di energia nuove e-alt-ricerca scientifica.


Una curiosa coincidenza - Was It soppressione della Self-Powering Battery?
by di
TE Bearden TE Bearden
An incident that occurred in the Charlotte Douglas International Airport in North Carolina earlier this month is at least a curious coincidence, or it may possibly even represent assassination and suppression of another highly important "energy from the vacuum" (EFTV) invention. Un incidente che si è verificato nel Charlotte Douglas International Airport in North Carolina all'inizio di questo mese è di almeno una curiosa coincidenza, o forse anche si può rappresentare l'assassinio e la soppressione di un altro molto importante "l'energia dal vuoto" (EFTV) invenzione. At least such a possibility should be considered, and then if all the facts warrant questioning the autopsy finding of death from natural causes, the incident should be more deeply investigated. Almeno una tale possibilità dovrebbe essere considerata, e quindi se tutti i fatti in discussione il mandato di trovare autopsia di morte per cause naturali, l'incidente deve essere più profondamente indagato.
The victim's name was M. DeGeus. Il nome della vittima era M. DeGeus. DeGeus was found slumped in his car in the long term parking area of the airport, totally unresponsive. DeGeus è stato trovato accasciato nella sua auto nella zona di parcheggio a lungo termine dello scalo, totalmente insensibile. He was rushed to the hospital, and was pronounced dead very quickly, according to
The resulting autopsy indicated heart failure, and thus concluded "death from natural causes". L'autopsia risulta indicato insufficienza cardiaca e, quindi, ha concluso "la morte per cause naturali". Hence police are not investigating it any further, and they are not considering it as a possible homicide. Quindi la polizia non sta indagando ulteriormente su di essa, e non sono di considerarlo come un possibile omicidio.
Some Background on the Victim and His Invention Alcuni retroscena che la vittima e la sua invenzione
DeGeus was in fact the inventor of a thin wafer-like material/device that somehow specially aligned the atoms or electron currents ongoing in that material, so that the wafer produced a constant amperage at a small voltage continuous real power, or in other words a strange kind of "self-powering battery". DeGeus era in realtà l'inventore di un wafer sottile come materiale / dispositivo che in qualche modo appositamente allineati gli atomi o correnti di elettroni in corso in quel materiale, in modo che la cialda ha prodotto un amperaggio costante a una piccola tensione continua potere reale, o in altre parole uno strana sorta di "auto-alimentazione della batteria". It is actually powered by the ongoing and continuous tremendous exchange of energy by the active vacuum with the charges of any material. In realtà è alimentato da uno scambio costante e continuo tremenda di energia dal vuoto attiva con gli oneri di qualsiasi materiale. This exchange is exceptionally powerful, and normally our electromagnetic systems and devices only use just a tiny bit of it. Questo scambio è eccezionalmente potente, e normalmente i nostri sistemi elettromagnetici e dispositivi di usare solo un po 'piccola di esso.
But as is known in physics, even simple materials (such as a simple short piece of ordinary copper wire) have extraordinary symmetrical cross currents ongoing perpetually, even when no ordinary "net" current is flowing since normally there is no asymmetry. Ma come è noto in fisica, anche materiali semplici (come un semplice pezzo breve di filo di rame ordinaria) sono straordinarie correnti trasversali simmetriche perennemente in corso, anche quando non ordinaria "netto" corrente fluisce in quanto normalmente non c'è asimmetria. Eg, quoting Swann: Ad esempio, citando Swann:
"Think of the cables which carry the telephone current in the form of electrons. In the absence of the current the electrons are moving in all directions. As many are moving from left to right as are moving from right to left; and the nothingness which is there is composed of two equal and opposite halves, about a million million amperes per square centimeter in one direction, and a million million amperes per square centimeter in the other direction. The telephone current constitutes an upsetting of the balance to the extent of one hundredth of a millionth of an ampere per square centimeter, or about one part in a hundred million million million. Then if this one part in a hundred million million million is at fault by one part in a thousand, we ring up the telephone company and complain that the quality of the speech is faulty." "Pensate ai cavi che portano i telefoni attuali, sotto forma di elettroni. In assenza di corrente gli elettroni si muovono in tutte le direzioni. Come molti si spostano da sinistra a destra come si stanno muovendo da destra a sinistra, e il nulla che è lì si compone di due parti uguali e contrarie, circa un milione di milioni di ampere per centimetro quadrato in una direzione, e un milione di milioni di ampere per centimetro quadrato nella direzione opposta. Il telefono attuale costituisce uno sconvolgente del saldo nella misura di uno centesimo di milionesimo di ampere per centimetro quadrato, o di una parte in un centinaio di milioni di milioni di milioni di euro. Allora, se questo da una parte in un centinaio di milioni di milioni di milioni di euro è esente da colpa da una parte a mille, noi suoniamo la compagnia telefonica e lamentano che la qualità del discorso è difettoso. " [WFG Swann, Physics Today, June. [WFG Swann, Physics Today, June. 1951, p. 1951, p. 9.] 9.]
However, if by special alignment of atoms and basic constituents one does provide an EM asymmetry in this naturally occurring "opposing huge EM power currents" always ongoing laterally in the matter itself, then a net lateral direct current (real EM power) can be freely provided by that altered material at a resulting voltage (indicating the asymmetry) because every charge in the material is continually involved in an enormous energy reaction with its local active vacuum. Tuttavia, se per l'allineamento speciale di atomi e di base costituenti uno fornisce una asimmetria EM in questo naturale "opposte correnti di enorme potenza EM" sempre in corso lateralmente nella materia stessa, quindi una rete laterale corrente (potenza EM reali) possono essere liberamente a condizione che il materiale da alterati in una tensione che ne deriva (che indica l'asimmetria) perché ogni carica nel materiale è continuamente coinvolto in una reazione enorme di energia con i suoi locali vuoto attivo.
This continual giant energy interaction of every charge with the seething vacuum is already well-known in modern quantum field theory. Questa interazione continua di energia gigante di ogni carica con il vuoto ribolle è già ben noto nella teoria di campo quantistica moderna. Eg, quoting Aitchison: Ad esempio, citando Aitchison:
"...the concept of a 'single particle' actually breaks down in relativistic quantum field theory with interactions, because the interactions between 'the particle' and the vacuum fluctuations (or virtual quanta) cannot be ignored." "... il concetto di una 'singola particella' rompe effettivamente dalla teoria dei campi quantistica relativistica con interazioni, perché le interazioni tra 'la particella' e le fluttuazioni del vuoto (o quanti virtuale) non può essere ignorata". [IJR Aitchison, "Nothing's Plenty: The Vacuum in Modern Quantum Field Theory," Contemporary Physics, 26(4), 1985, p. [IJR Aitchison, "Plenty Nothing's: il vuoto nella moderna teoria quantistica dei campi," Contemporary Physics, 26 (4), 1985, p. 357.]. 357.].
A Little Corroborating Information A Little Corroborating Informazioni
Indeed, I found an obscure bit of information that seems directly related to proving the concept. Anzi, ho trovato un po 'oscuro di informazioni che sembra direttamente collegata a dimostrare il concetto. We urge other investigators to further investigate this effect. Noi sollecitiamo altri ricercatori per approfondire ulteriormente questo effetto. Quoting: Citando:
"infrared Tourmaline is the only mineral to show permanent electricity on the earth and is also a natural (non-manufactured) source of negative ions and far infrared (FIR) rays. "Tormalina infrarossi è il minerale solo per mostrare l'elettricità permanente sulla terra ed è anche un naturale (non lavorati) sorgente di ioni negativi e lontano infrarosso (FIR) raggi.
Around 1986, it was found in a research station in Japan that, even though tourmaline was broken down in smaller pieces, a positive and a negative electrode existed on both ends of the crystal, and the electrodes never disappeared unless tourmaline was boiled near 1000°C. Intorno al 1986, è stato trovato in una stazione di ricerca in Giappone che, anche se tormalina è stato suddiviso in piccoli pezzi, uno positivo e un elettrodo negativo esiste su entrambe le estremità del cristallo, e gli elettrodi non sono mai scomparsi, a meno di tormalina stato bollito vicino a 1000 ° C.
In addition, when the positive and the negative electrodes of a tourmaline crystal were connected to each other, it was proven to show low electricity of 0.06mA." Inoltre, quando il positivo e gli elettrodi negativi di un cristallo di tormalina sono stati collegati gli uni agli altri, è stato dimostrato per mostrare di energia elettrica a basso 0.06mA ".
We suspect that the vast new phenomena uncovered in nanocrystalline research will also probably have similar "self-powering DC battery" capabilities in some cases. Abbiamo il sospetto che i fenomeni vasto nuova scoperta nel campo della ricerca nanocristalline anche probabilmente simili "auto-alimentazione batteria DC" capacità in alcuni casi.
At any rate, altering the layering characteristics of the wafer material used by DeGeus provides a broken symmetry in its usual equal-and-opposite cross currents. In ogni caso, alterando le caratteristiche di stratificazione del materiale utilizzato wafer da DeGeus fornisce una rottura della simmetria nella sua solita pari-e-di fronte correnti trasversali. This asymmetry results in the little DeGeus solid state wafer pouring out a net steady lateral DC current at a given steady voltage. In short, it becomes a "perpetual battery" type of device, gating and pouring out steady and directly usable net DC power, and fed by energy from the seething vacuum reaction due to that organized broken symmetry. Questo risultato asimmetria nella piccola DeGeus wafer a stato solido versando una rete stabile laterale corrente continua ad una tensione costante data. In breve, essa diventa una batteria "perpetua" tipo di dispositivo, gating e versando costante e direttamente utilizzabili alimentazione DC netta, ed alimentati con energia dalla reazione ribollente vuoto a causa di tale simmetria organizzata rotta.
Proposed Explanation of the "Self-Powering Battery" Proposto Spiegazione del Sé "Powering Battery"
Physics already tells us that, when we have a broken symmetry, then something previously virtual becomes observable. La fisica ci dice già che, quando abbiamo una rottura di simmetria, allora c'è qualcosa in precedenza virtuale diventa osservabile. So when we have a power supply using the normal proven asymmetry of opposite charges (its dipolarity), it will be receiving input energy from the virtual state vacuum, cohering it to quantum size, and emitting it as real, observable EM energy. Eg, quoting Nobelist Lee: Così, quando abbiamo una alimentazione utilizzando la normale asimmetria dimostrato di cariche opposte (la sua dipolarity), sarà ricevuto input di energia dal vuoto virtuale di Stato, coesiva alla dimensione quantistica, ed emettendo come reale, l'energia EM osservabile. Ad esempio, citando premio Nobel Lee:
"the violation of symmetry arises whenever what was thought to be a non-observable turns out to be actually an observable." "la violazione di simmetria si pone ogni volta che ciò che è stato pensato per essere un non-osservabili risulta essere in realtà un osservabile." [TD Lee, Particle Physics and Introduction to Field Theory, Harwood Academy Publishers, Chur, New York, and London, 1981, p. [TD Lee, Particle Physics and Introduction to Field Theory, Harwood Academy Publishers, Chur, New York, e Londra, 1981, p. 181.] 181.]
DeGeus Wafers and the Purpose of his Planned Trip Wafer DeGeus e lo scopo del suo viaggio Planned
DeGeus appears to have readily achieved different voltages and currents (different levels of power) by grouping, multiple-layering, etc. much like connecting or grouping individual batteries. DeGeus sembra essere facilmente raggiunto differenti tensioni e correnti (diversi livelli di potenza) di raggruppamento, a più strati, ecc molto simile a collegare o raggruppamento singole batterie. The novelty was that the inventor had discovered how to build these wafers extremely cheaply couple bucks each for a small one, with an assembly of them for greater power just requiring multiples of the basic cost. La novità è che l'inventore aveva scoperto come costruire questi wafer estremamente a buon mercato Coppia dollari ciascuno per un piccolo, con un montaggio di loro per una maggiore potenza che richiedono solo multipli del costo di base.
He is believed to have been from a well-to-do European family with significant assets in South America. Si crede di essere stato da un pozzo-to-do famiglia europea con un patrimonio significativo in Sud America. His family is reported to have claimed the body and officially tied up all his assets, effects, records, etc. The legal ongoings are likely to permanently suppress any and all technical lab notes, descriptions, etc. La sua famiglia è segnalato per aver sostenuto il corpo e ufficialmente legato tutti i suoi averi, gli effetti, documenti, ecc ongoings giuridiche rischiano pertanto di sopprimere definitivamente ogni e tutte le note tecniche di laboratorio, descrizioni, ecc
Unknown to the authorities investigating his death, DeGeus was on his way to Europe to receive very substantial funding to put his invention into mass production and marketing. Sconosciute alle autorità inquirenti la sua morte, DeGeus era in viaggio in Europa per ricevere finanziamenti ingenti per mettere la sua invenzione in produzione di massa e di marketing.
Importance of the DeGeus Invention Importanza dell'invenzione DeGeus
As an example of the importance of this probably-now-lost "free energy from the vacuum" invention, consider an electric car with a much smaller DeGeus wafer assembly "battery pack" using self-powering "batteries" taking all their energy output continually from the seething vacuum. Come un esempio dell'importanza di questo, probabilmente, ora perduta "energia gratuita dal vuoto" invenzione, si consideri un auto elettrica con un'assemblea DeGeus molto più piccolo wafer "batteria" con auto-alimentazione "batterie", tenendo tutta la loro produzione di energia continua dal vuoto ribolle. As can be seen, suddenly one has eliminated the recharging of batteries for the electric car, and is now using a "permanent, self-powering battery" instead. Thus one has achieved the dream of a "self-powering electric auto", taking all its input energy cleanly from the active vacuum environment itself, without need of burning physical fuel to run the car or recharge the battery. In short, a car also without harmful emissions that damage and pollute the biosphere and contribute to global warming. Come si può vedere, improvvisamente si è eliminata la ricarica delle batterie per l'auto elettrica, e ora con un permanente ", auto-alimentazione della batteria", invece. Così si è realizzato il sogno di un ' "auto-alimentazione auto elettriche", tenendo tutti i suoi input di energia pulita per l'ambiente attivo dal vuoto stesso, senza necessità di bruciare combustibili fisico di eseguire l'auto o ricaricare la batteria. In breve, una vettura anche senza emissioni nocive che danno e inquinare la biosfera e contribuire al riscaldamento globale.
Use of a larger DeGeus battery, together with an alternator, would also produce a self-powering unit capable of powering the average home with AC power. Utilizzo di una batteria DeGeus più grande, insieme ad un alternatore, che produce anche un auto-alimentazione unità in grado di alimentare la casa media, con alimentazione CA. Many other applications are obvious, as is also the tremendous impact of such a developed technology upon our present consumption of hydrocarbon fuels, nuclear fuel rods, etc. Molte altre applicazioni sono evidenti, come è anche il tremendo impatto di una tale tecnologia sviluppata sulla nostra attuale consumo di idrocarburi, barre di combustibile nucleare, ecc
If Assassination, Explanation of How It Was Done Se Assassination, Spiegazione di come è stato fatto
So a question arises as to whether this was just a simple "accidental" heart attack, or whether it could have been a very professional assassination to suppress the inventor and his invention. Quindi una questione da chiarire è se si trattava solo di un semplice "accidentale" attacco cardiaco, o se possa essere stato un omicidio molto professionale per sopprimere l'inventore e la sua invenzione. While we cannot definitively answer that question, we can explain exactly how such an assassination could have been done, which would have given the victim a massive heart attack or stroke or both, resulting in his death. Anche se non possiamo definitivamente risolvere tale questione, siamo in grado di spiegare esattamente come un tale assassinio sarebbe potuto fare, che avrebbe dato la vittima un massiccio attacco di cuore o ictus o di entrambi, causando la sua morte.
The standard method of assassination to provide a certified autopsy report of "death by natural causes" is the little EM beam "shooter" using the Venus ECCM technique -- ie, warping of its wavefront -- to destroy the body's control of its heartbeat. Il metodo standard di assassinio di fornire un verbale di autopsia della "morte per cause naturali" è il fascio EM poco "Shooter" con la tecnica della Venere ECCM - vale a dire, orditura del suo fronte d'onda - a distruggere il controllo del corpo del suo battito cardiaco. There are two basic sizes: One is about the size of a dime-store pocketbook, and has an effective range of something like 30 feet or so. Ci sono due dimensioni fondamentali: una è delle dimensioni di una monetina-portafoglio negozio, ed ha una gamma efficace di qualcosa come 30 piedi o giù di lì. The other is the size of a bazooka (shoulder-held rocket launcher) and its beam is effective at a range of about 200 feet or so. L'altro è la dimensione di un bazooka (spalla-detenuti lanciarazzi) e il suo raggio è efficace a una distanza di circa 200 metri o giù di lì. It also is often used with infrared sighting, to fire through a wall at a person (say, in a room on the second floor) by aiming at his infrared change and signature detected outside the building. E 'inoltre viene spesso utilizzato con avvistamento a infrarossi, a fuoco attraverso una parete a una persona (per esempio, in una stanza al secondo piano), mirando a suo cambiamento a infrarossi e la firma rilevata all'esterno dell'edificio.
A person struck by this Venus-technique warped wavefront beam has a sudden interruption of all control of his heartbeat, and so his heart goes into instant, uncontrolled, and violent fibrillation. Una persona colpita da questa Venere tecnica raggio del fronte d'onda deformato ha una improvvisa interruzione di ogni controllo del suo battito cardiaco, e così il suo cuore va in fibrillazione immediata, incontrollata e violenta. Exposure to the main beam for 10 seconds or more is almost certain to result in death of the individual, by a resulting massive heart failure, stroke, or both. L'esposizione al fascio principale per 10 secondi o più è quasi certo di provocare la morte dell'individuo, da un difetto cardiaco conseguente massiccia, ictus, o entrambi.
My colleague Ken Moore and I were struck with just such a beam from a small Venus beam shooter, in the inside breast coatpocket of the assassin, in a restaurant here in Huntsville several years ago. Il mio collega Ken Moore e mi sono stati colpiti solo con un fascio di uno sparatutto in Venere piccolo raggio, in coatpocket all'interno del seno l'assassino, in un ristorante qui a Huntsville diversi anni fa. We both felt the beam and the instant fibrillation. Entrambi abbiamo sentito il fascio e la fibrillazione immediata. I personally saw the assassin, about 20 feet away from us and well-dressed in suit and tie, pull back his coat front and point that book-sized shooter at us. Personalmente ho visto l'assassino, a circa 20 metri di distanza da noi e ben vestito in giacca e cravatta, tirare indietro la mano davanti e al punto che il libro di dimensioni shooter a noi. Fortunately we were seated right beside the emergency exit from the dining room, and I knew about Venus technique shooters and their drastic effects. Per fortuna eravamo seduti accanto l'uscita di emergenza dalla sala da pranzo, e sapevo di tiratori tecnica di Venere e dei loro effetti drastici. So we just immediately jumped right through that exit, setting off all the alarms, but getting out of the beam in just a few seconds. Così abbiamo appena subito saltato a destra attraverso tale uscita, l'impostazione di sconto su tutti gli allarmi, ma uscire del fascio in pochi secondi. So we lived to tell the tale. Così abbiamo vissuto per raccontare la storia.
If this were indeed used in the DeGeus death case, it would have been very simple for the assassin to simply approach him while he was still sitting in his just-parked car, hit him with the beam and hold it on him for, say, 30 seconds to a minute, then close his coat and simply walk away. And no one would have been the wiser, till the victim was found by someone in his car, either dead or dying. Se questo fosse effettivamente utilizzati in caso di morte DeGeus, sarebbe stato molto semplice per l'assassino semplicemente avvicinarsi a lui mentre era ancora seduto nella sua macchina appena parcheggiata, lo colpì con il fascio e tenerlo su di lui, per esempio, 30 secondi a un minuto, quindi chiudere la giacca e semplicemente a piedi. E nessuno sarebbe stato più saggio, finché la vittima è stato trovato da qualcuno nella sua auto, morto o morente.
There is the information for the reader's review. Vi sono le informazioni per la revisione del lettore. The reader will have to make up his own mind as to what probably really happened, and whether it was truly an act of nature (a normal heart attack) or a deliberately induced heart failure (an assassination using the standard Venus shooter). Il lettore dovrà fare una propria idea su ciò che probabilmente è realmente accaduto, e se è stato veramente un atto di natura (un attacco cardiaco normale) o di un guasto indotto deliberatamente cuore (un assassinio usando il tiratore Venere standard).
Other Similar Incidents Altri episodi simili
There are of course other incidents similar to this. Ci sono ovviamente altri incidenti simili a questo. Stan Meyer, a well-known inventor who apparently got his watergas working well, rushed from a restaurant and shouted "They're killing me!" Stan Meyer, un inventore ben noto che a quanto pare ha ottenuto il suo watergas lavorando bene, si precipitò da un ristorante e gridò: "Stanno uccidendo me!" (Some reports stated he shouted "They're poisoning me"), and then collapsed and died. (Alcune relazioni dichiarato gridò "Sono avvelenamento da me"), e poi un collasso e morì. Simply Google on the web, for many articles on Stan Meyer, his invention, the threats to his life, and his strange death. Semplicemente Google sul web, per molti articoli su Stan Meyer, la sua invenzione, le minacce alla sua vita, e la sua strana morte.
An Australian researcher and friend of mine also had a colleague who was assassinated in an upstairs room by a shot from the street below, using the larger bazooka-sized Venus shooter. Un ricercatore australiano e la mia amica aveva anche un collega che è stato assassinato in una stanza al piano superiore da un tiro dalla strada sottostante, utilizzando il bazooka di maggiori dimensioni shooter Venere. The other persons there actually observed the assassin load the bazooka-shaped shooter back into his vehicle and speed away. Le altre persone non effettivamente osservato il carico assassino il bazooka-shooter a forma di schiena nel suo veicolo e la velocità di distanza.
In Conclusion In Conclusione
All we can state for certain is that (1) lots of inventors of successful watergas, self-powering systems, etc. have been severely warned or in some cases killed. Tutti possiamo affermare con certezza è che (1) un sacco di inventori di watergas successo, di auto-alimentazione dei sistemi, ecc sono stati severamente ammonito o in alcuni casi uccisi. (2) Many other "free energy from the active medium" inventors have been threatened, bought out, or killed or experienced a mysterious death (we tell neophytes to be careful, else one can have a "sudden suicide" on one's way to the supermarket!) (3) The Venus electronic countermeasures technique is well-known and established. (2) Molti altri "energia libera dal mezzo attivo" inventori sono stati minacciati, acquistata, o uccisi o sperimentato una morte misteriosa (diciamo ai neofiti di fare attenzione, altrimenti si può avere un suicidio "improvviso" sulla propria via alla supermercato!) (3) La Venus contromisure elettroniche tecnica è ben nota e consolidata. (4) I have personally experienced just such an assassination attempt, with my good friend Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Ken Moore with me and also experiencing the weapon effects and our very rapid escape in the nick of time. (4) ho sperimentato personalmente proprio come un tentativo di assassinio, con il mio buon amico, il tenente colonnello (in pensione) Ken Moore con me e anche sperimentando gli effetti di armi e la nostra fuga molto rapida nel momento giusto. So I have a corroborating witness. Così ho un testimone corroborante.
Nonetheless, the interested reader will have to take it from there and draw his or her own conclusions about the DeGeus incident. Tuttavia, il lettore interessato dovrà partire da lì e trarre le sue conclusioni proprio per l'incidente DeGeus. Was it just a curious natural heart attack, or was it a deliberate assassination? Era solo un attacco di cuore naturale curiosità, o era un omicidio intenzionale?
Hopefully, time will tell. Si spera, il tempo potrà dirlo.
Pure Energy Systems News 2007 Pure Energy Systems News 2007
On Nov. 11, inventor of a revolutionary, affordable, clean energy technology, Arie M. DeGeus was found slumped in his car, totally unresponsive, in the long-term parking lot of the Charlotte Douglass International Airport in North Carolina. He was taken to the hospital and died a short time later. The autopsy suggested heart failure, so officials were saying the death was a result of a medical problem or natural causes, and not likely to be a homicide. Il 11 novembre, inventore di un rivoluzionario, a prezzi accessibili, le tecnologie energetiche pulite, Arie M. DeGeus è stato trovato accasciato nella sua auto, totalmente insensibile, nel lotto di parcheggio a lungo termine dei Charlotte Douglas International Airport in North Carolina. E 'stato portato in ospedale e morì poco tempo dopo. L'autopsia ha suggerito di insufficienza cardiaca, in modo da funzionari dicevano la morte è stata a causa di un problema medico o di cause naturali, e probabilmente non sarà un omicidio. (Ref.; ref.) (Ref., rif.)
Those who were involved with his research are doubtful, citing, among other things, that he had been in good health at around age forty five. The timing is also suspicious. He was apparently on his way to Europe where he was to secure major funding for the development and commercialization of his technology, which could make oil obsolete. Coloro che erano coinvolti con le sue ricerche sono dubbi, citando, tra le altre cose, che era stato in buona salute di età intorno ai quarantacinque. La tempistica è sospetta. Fu il suo cammino verso l'Europa dove è stato di ottenere finanziamenti importanti per lo sviluppo e la commercializzazione della sua tecnologia, che potrebbero rendere obsoleto l'olio.
Charlotte Macklenburg Police detective, M. Conner, said that it would be a while yet before the toxicology report comes in on this case. Charlotte Macklenburg detective della polizia, M. Conner, ha detto che sarebbe un po 'ancora prima che la relazione viene in tossicologia su questo caso.
Tom Bearden, a well-known figure in the cutting-edge, clean energy technology industry, wrote a lengthy report on the inventor, his death, and his technology. He said: Tom Bearden, una figura ben nota nel taglio-bordo, l'industria delle tecnologie pulite di energia, ha scritto una lunga relazione sulla inventore, la sua morte, e la sua tecnologia. Ha detto:
"DeGeus was the inventor of a thin wafer-like material/device that somehow specially aligned the atoms or electron currents ongoing in that material, so that the wafer produced a constant amperage at a small voltage – continuous real power, or in other words a strange kind of “self-powering battery”. "DeGeus è stato l'inventore di un wafer sottile come materiale / dispositivo che in qualche modo appositamente allineati gli atomi o correnti di elettroni in corso in quel materiale, in modo che la cialda ha prodotto un amperaggio costante a una piccola tensione - continua il potere reale, o in altre parole uno strana sorta di "auto-alimentazione della batteria".
Bearden also speculates about the cause of death, citing a technology that shoots an electromagnetic beam that destroys the body's control of its heartbeat. He said there are two basic sizes of the Venus ECCM technique. One has a range of around thirty feet, and the other, about the size of a bazooka, has an effective range of around 200 feet. Bearden specula anche sulla causa della morte, citando una tecnologia che spara un fascio elettromagnetico che distrugge il controllo del corpo del suo battito cardiaco. Ha detto che ci sono due dimensioni fondamentali della tecnica di Venere ECCM. One dispone di una gamma di circa trenta piedi, e la altri, delle dimensioni di un bazooka, ha una gamma efficace di circa 200 metri.
Bearden claims to have been hit with such a device along with his colleague Ken Moore while at a restaurant several years ago. They felt the fibrillation and saw the would-be assassin about 20 feet away, with his suit coat pulled back, exposing a book-sized shooter. Fortunately, they were near an emergency exit and were able to get away before a lethal dose was received. Bearden sostiene di essere stato colpito con un dispositivo con il suo collega Ken Moore, mentre in un ristorante di diversi anni fa. Essi sentirono la fibrillazione e vide il presunto assassino di circa 20 metri di distanza, con la sua giacca tirato indietro, esponendo un libro dimensioni shooter. Fortunatamente, sono stati vicino a un'uscita di emergenza e sono riusciti a fuggire prima di una dose letale è stato ricevuto.
DeGeus had been in Salt Lake City a couple of weeks ago, demonstrating the technology to some people who were also seeking to raise money for its advancement. That group said that DeGeus was not the only person who knew how the technology works, and they hope to see it go ahead even though DeGeus is no longer around. DeGeus era stato a Salt Lake City un paio di settimane fa, a dimostrazione della tecnologia di alcune persone che stavano cercando anche di raccogliere fondi per la sua promozione. Il gruppo ha detto che DeGeus non era l'unica persona che sapeva come funziona la tecnologia, e la speranza per vederla andare avanti anche se DeGeus non è più in giro.
The above information has been brought to the attention of the Charlotte media and police. Le informazioni di cui sopra è stato portato all'attenzione dei media Charlotte e la polizia.
News Video : --- Video News: ---
WO0208787 WO0208787
EC: C01B3/00; G21K1/00; (+2) IPC: C01B3/00; G21K1/00; H05G2/00 (+6) CE: C01B3/00; G21K1/00; (2) IPC: C01B3/00; G21K1/00; H05G2/00 (6)
2002-01-31 2002/01/31
Abstract --- An enclosed system, which generally may be of tubular shape, in which plasma of hydrogen is induced, or is being created and in which this plasma is being maintained. Abstract --- un sistema chiuso, che in genere può essere di forma tubolare, in cui plasma di idrogeno è indotto, o viene creato e in cui il plasma viene mantenuta. Said system comprising of an anode at one end of the enclosed system and a cathode at the other end; optionally, means for electromagnetic focusing (eg by means of Helmholtz pairs) surrounding said enclosed system; coiling, screen(s) or strips, which may have a variety of shapes, positioned within said enclosed system and being located between said anode and said cathode, but not being connected to either and which may consist of a material (eg W), which promotes the conversion of molecular hydrogen into atomic hydrogen and which further facilitates the molecular hydrogen into atomic hydrogen and which further facilitates the ionization of hydrogen; said coiling, screen(s) or strips, which may have a variety of shapes, optionally being hooked up to a minute electric power source, which preferably has a relatively high frequency. Said sistema composto di un anodo ad una estremità del sistema chiuso e un catodo all'altra estremità, opzionalmente, i mezzi per elettromagnetici messa a fuoco (ad esempio per mezzo di coppie di Helmholtz) che circondano detto sistema chiuso, avvolgimento, schermo (s) o strisce, che può avere una varietà di forme, posizionati all'interno di detto sistema chiuso e si trova tra detto anodo e detto catodo, ma non essendo collegato ad uno e che può essere costituito da un materiale (ad esempio, W), che promuove la conversione di idrogeno molecolare in idrogeno atomico e che facilita ulteriormente l'idrogeno molecolare in idrogeno atomico e che facilita ulteriormente la ionizzazione di idrogeno; detto avvolgimento, schermo (s) o strisce, che possono avere una varietà di forme, opzionalmente essere collegato a una fonte di minuti di energia elettrica, che di preferenza ha una frequenza relativamente elevata.
Method and Apparatus are for Stimulation of Zero-Point Energy in and Absorbed by Tissue... Metodo ed apparato sono per la stimolazione dello Zero-Point Energy e assorbita dai tessuti ...
NL1029476C NL1029476C
EC: A61N1/40; A61N2/06 IPC: A61N2/02; A61N2/06; A61N2/00 (+2) CE: A61N1/40; A61N2/06 IPC: A61N2/02; A61N2/06; A61N2/00 (2)
2007-01-09 2007/01/09
Abstract --- The method and apparatus are for stimulation of zero-point energy in and absorbed by tissue in a plant, animal and human being and involves a primary permanent magnetic field introduced through the tissue with a superimposed variable electro-magnetic field further fed through the tissue for creation of considerable health advantages. The variable electro-magnetic field is of a cyclic nature, which is wave-form, sinusoidal, triangular, trapezoidal or rectangular, dependent upon the passage of time. Abstract --- Il metodo e le apparecchiature sono per la stimolazione di energia di punto zero e assorbita da un tessuto vegetale, animale e umano e comporta un campo magnetico primario permanenti introdotte con il tessuto con un electro sovrapposto variabile campo magnetico ulteriormente alimentato attraverso il tessuto per la creazione di notevoli vantaggi per la salute. electro La variabile campo magnetico è di natura ciclica, che è forma d'onda, sinusoidale, triangolare, trapezoidale o rettangolare, che dipende dal passare del tempo. Its amplitude and frequency are variable and adjsutable. A living cell (0) is present in a tissue matrix (1), has cell walls (2) and a moving free electron (3). La sua ampiezza e la frequenza sono variabili e adjsutable. Una cellula vivente (0) è presente in una matrice di tessuto (1), ha le pareti cellulari (2) e un elettrone in movimento libero (3). It has a spirally shaped movement trajectory (4), positively charged ions (5) which surround a more or less tunnel-shaped induction zone (6). Ha una traiettoria a spirale a forma libera (4), gli ioni caricati positivamente (5) che circondano un tunnel più o meno a forma di fuso induzione (6). The symbols (PM) and (EM) indicate the directions of the primary permanent magnetic field and the electro-magnetic field. Fringe fields (C1,C2) are the cell limitations shown as capacitor plates of a cell and there is a more or less tubular area (7) with a self-inductance (Lc). I simboli (PM) e (EM) indica la direzione del primario permanenti campo magnetico e il campo elettro-magnetico. Campi Fringe (C1, C2) sono le limitazioni delle cellule mostrato come piastre del condensatore di una cella e vi è una più o meno area tubolare (7) con un auto-induttanza (Lc). The ohmic resistance in the cell is indicated (R) as is the field strength of the permanent magnetic field (H). La resistenza ohmica della cella è indicato (R) è l'intensità di campo del campo magnetico permanente (H).


Method has Evolving Physical and Chemical Processes with Three Energy Conversions from Zero-Point Energy to Permanent Magnetic Energy... Metodo è in evoluzione fisica e dei processi chimici con tre conversioni di energia da Zero-Point Energy permanente per l'energia magnetica ...
NL1029488C NL1029488C
EC: H01M14/00 IPC: H01M6/00; H01M6/00; (IPC1-7): H01M6/00 CE: H01M14/00 IPC: H01M6/00; H01M6/00; (IPC1-7): H01M6/00
2006-08-14 2006/08/14
Abstract --- The method has evolving physical and chemical processes with three energy conversions from zero-point energy to permanent magnetic energy, to electro-chemical energy, to electrical direct current, with a resulting durably available electrical energy source. Abstract --- Il metodo è in continua evoluzione dei processi fisici e chimici, con tre conversioni di energia da energia di punto zero di energia magnetica permanente, di energia elettro-chimica, elettrica a corrente continua, con un risultato durevole disponibile fonte di energia elettrica. In a layout of the processes, the regenerative mode is seen next to the discharge mode, whilst in fat both modes are located adjacently at inter-atomic distance. In the conversion into electro-chemical energy at the location of the permanent magnetic field, the two electrodes, together with the intervening membrane, are permeated by an electro-chemical cell. In un layout dei processi, la modalità rigenerativa si vede accanto alla modalità di scarico, mentre in entrambi i modi di grassi si trovano adjacently a distanza fra atomiche. Nella conversione in energia elettro-chimica presso l'ubicazione del campo magnetico permanente, il due elettrodi, insieme con la membrana intervenire, sono permeate da un elettro-chimica delle cellule. The electrode pair and the intervening membrane are located in an electrolyte, which can be a liquid, a gel, or fine powder. La coppia di elettrodi e la membrana che intervengono sono situati in un elettrolita, che può essere un liquido, un gel o polvere fine. The conversions occur in an energy cell, in separate sections, next to each other. Le conversioni avvengono in una cella di energia, in sezioni distinte, una accanto all'altra. The electrons can flow through connectors provided between the separate sections. Gli elettroni possono fluire attraverso i connettori forniti tra le sezioni separate. The sections are positioned at inter-molecular or atomic spacing. Le sezioni sono posizionati a spaziatura tra molecolare o atomico.



Nuclear Transmutational Processes Nucleare trasmutatoria Processi
WO0231833 WO0231833
EC: G21B3/00 IPC: G21B3/00; G21B3/00; (IPC1-7): G21B1/00 CE: G21B3/00 IPC: G21B3/00; G21B3/00; (IPC1-7): G21B1/00
2002-04-18 2002/04/18
Abstract --- The invention relates to a method of generating energy, comprising the steps of: a. Abstract --- L'invenzione riguarda un metodo per produrre energia, che comprende le fasi di: a. introducing hydrogen in a reactor vessel, the vessel comprising a cathode, an anode and an ionization element, the cathode comprising a primary and a secondary transmutational element, the transmutational elements having in their nucleus a number of neutrons which is larger than the number of protons, and wherein at least one neutron has a preferred orientation; b. l'introduzione di idrogeno in un reattore, la nave che comprende un catodo, un anodo e un elemento di ionizzazione, il catodo costituito da un primario e un elemento secondario trasmutatoria gli elementi trasmutatoria che nel loro nucleo un certo numero di neutroni, che è superiore al numero di protoni , e di cui almeno uno di neutroni ha un orientamento preferito; b. Ionizing at least a part of the hydrogen with the ionization element to form a plasma, c. Ionizzanti almeno una parte dell'idrogeno con l'elemento di ionizzazione per formare un plasma, c. Applying a voltage differential across the cathode and the anode, causing protons to travel to the cathode and to induce a transmutation of the transmutational elements which combine to form an element of higher mass number than the mass number of said transmutational elements under the release of energy; and d. Applicando una differenza di tensione ai capi del catodo e anodo, causando protoni a viaggiare verso il catodo e di indurre una trasmutazione degli elementi trasmutatoria che si combinano per formare un elemento di numero di massa superiore al numero di massa di tali trasmutatoria elementi sotto la liberazione di energia e d. collecting heat and/or on other energy formed in step c. raccolta di calore e / o su altre forme di energia costituita nel passaggio c. In a preferred embodiment the primary transmutational element comprises formula (i) or any combination thereof, whereas the secondary transmutational element comprises formula (ii) or any combination thereof. In una incarnazione preferito l'elemento primario trasmutatoria comprende la formula (i) o qualsiasi combinazione delle due, mentre l'elemento secondario trasmutatoria comprende la formula (ii) o una loro combinazione.






Electrische Energie uit Fusie van Edele Gassen. Electrische uit Energie fusie van Edele Gassen.
EC: G21B3/00 IPC: G21B3/00; H05H1/12; G21B3/00 (+1) CE: G21B3/00 IPC: G21B3/00; H05H1/12; G21B3/00 (1)
NL1030908C NL1030908C
2007-07-17 2007/07/17

EC: G21B3/00 IPC: G21B1/05; G21B1/05 CE: G21B3/00 IPC: G21B1/05; G21B1/05
NL1030781C NL1030781C
2007-06-28 2007/06/28

Warmte Generator Warmte Generator
EC: IPC: G21B3/00; G21B3/00 CE: IPC: G21B3/00; G21B3/00
NL1031363C NL1031363C
2007-09-17 2007/09/17

Method and Aparatus for the Production of So-Called Fractional Hydrogen and Associated Production of Photon Energy Metodo ed apparati per la produzione di So-Called Frazionario idrogeno e associate di produzione di Photon Energy
EC: C01B3/00; G21K1/00; (+2) IPC: C01B3/00; G21K1/00; H05G2/00 (+6) CE: C01B3/00; G21K1/00; (2) IPC: C01B3/00; G21K1/00; H05G2/00 (6)
WO0208787 WO0208787
2002-01-31 2002/01/31
Método para incrementar a energia cinética de elétrons utilizando uma combinação de campos magnéticos e eletromagnéticos permanentes Método para incrementar uno Energia Cinetica de elétrons utilizando uma Combinação de Campos magnéticos e eletromagnéticos permanentes
EC: IPC: H02N11/00; H02N11/00; (IPC1-7): H02N11/00 CE: IPC: H02N11/00; H02N11/00; (IPC1-7): H02N11/00
BR0205594 BR0205594
2004-08-03 2004/08/03
Mechanisme ter modernisering van het oogsten van bomen Mechanisme modernisering ter van het bomen van oogsten
EC: IPC: A01G23/08; A01G23/00 CE: IPC: A01G23/08; A01G23/00
NL1031324C NL1031324C
2007-09-11 2007/09/11
Brandstof voor Verbrandingsmotoren en Gasturbines met daaraan toegevoegde Nukleair Fuserende Component. Brandstof voor Verbrandingsmotoren en Gasturbines incontrato daaraan toegevoegde Nukleair Fuserende Component.
EC: IPC: G01N1/28; G01N1/28 CE: IPC: G01N1/28; G01N1/28
NL1030700 NL1030700
2007-06-20 2007/06/20
Omzetting van Nulpunt-Energie in toegevoegde Kinetische Energie van elektronen. in my patents list Omzetting van Nulpunt-Energie in toegevoegde Kinetische Energie Elektronen van. Nel mio elenco di brevetti
EC: H02N11/00B IPC: H02N11/00; H02N11/00 CE: H02N11/00B IPC: H02N11/00; H02N11/00
NL1030697C NL1030697C
2007-06-19 2007/06/19
Turbine elektrische generator Generatore a turbina elektrische
EC: H02K35/02; F03B7/00; (+3) IPC: H02K35/02; F03B7/00; F03D9/00 (+3) CE: H02K35/02; F03B7/00; (3) IPC: H02K35/02; F03B7/00; F03D9/00 (3)
NL1030628C NL1030628C
2007-06-12 2007/06/12
We also discuss some of DeGeus other remarkable innovations, including several processes that he claims extract zero-point energy to produce useable ... Abbiamo anche discussi alcuni dei DeGeus altre notevoli innovazioni, tra cui numerosi processi che egli pretende estrarre energia di punto zero per la produzione di utile ... - 37k - 37k
Zero-Point and New Energy | Zero-Point e New Energy |
... ... in 2005, a Program Director in the Pentagon financed a Zero-Point Energy ... nel 2005, un direttore di programma al Pentagono ha finanziato un Zero-Point Energy ... magnetic fields), DeGeus created a device that produced a form of clean, ... campi magnetici), DeGeus creato un dispositivo che produce una forma di energia pulita, ... - 20k - 20k
Free-Energy Battery Inventor Killed at Airport? Free-Energy Batteria Inventor ucciso in aeroporto?
"DeGeus was the inventor of a thin wafer-like material/device that somehow specially aligned ... DeGeus had been in Salt Lake City a couple of weeks ago, ... "DeGeus è stato l'inventore di un wafer sottile come materiale / dispositivo che in qualche modo appositamente allineati ... DeGeus era stato a Salt Lake City un paio di settimane fa, ... - 47k / - 47k
Free Energy Free Energy
This has been attributed to the effects of zero-point energy fluctuations as .... Questa è stata attribuita agli effetti delle fluttuazioni di energia a zero-punto come .... We also note that Arie DeGeus has been able to obtain free energy outputs, ... Notiamo anche che Arie DeGeus è stato in grado di ottenere risultati energia libera, ... - 45k / FreeEnergy.aspx - 45k - AMDG Scientific - AMDG scientifico
You won't find much on Arie Melis DeGeus on the Internet, but you can't miss Arie (P., ... Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ... Non troverete molto su Arie Melis DeGeus su Internet, ma non si può perdere Arie (P., ... Parole chiave: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero fluttuazioni Point, ... - 34k - 34k - Suppression of the Self-Powering Battery? - Soppressione del Self-Powering Battery?
The victim's name was M. DeGeus. Il nome della vittima era M. DeGeus. DeGeus was found slumped in his car in the long term ..... DeGeus è stato trovato accasciato nella sua auto a lungo termine ..... Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ... Parole chiave: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero fluttuazioni Point, ...
... ... Arie M. DeGeus, who discovered novel technologies featuring over-unity energy .... Arie M. DeGeus, che ha scoperto le nuove tecnologie con eccesso di energia l'unità .... Zero Point Energy: ZPEnergy is a web site devoted to the new energy ... Zero Point Energy: ZPEnergy è un sito web dedicato alla nuova energia ... / Top.Science.Technology.Energy.Unproven_Concepts.html
Infinite Energy 19: 50-51 (1998)
by Eugene Mallove
There were also those who were initially curious about Meyer's work, such as the editor of this magazine, the late Christopher Tinsley of the UK, and the late Admiral of the British Navy, Sir Anthony Griffin, but who became frustrated by being unable --- or, more to the point, not allowed --- to confirm (or reject finally) Meyer's claims.
I have absolutely NO DOUBT today that Stanley Meyer was his own worst enemy. IF --- and a very big IF --- he had discovered the technological process that he had said he had, there is no way that a reasonable, straightforward marketing strategy would have failed to make his technology quickly spread worldwide. He could have become very influential and very rich.
There remains a very strong suspicion that he had no such process, even though he conducted a demonstration (before this writer and another engineer at the Meyer lab in 1993) of the production of copious hydrogen/oxygen gas from what visually seemed like a small input power. But Meyer was exceedingly paranoid and he flatly refused reasonable requests by us and others to test the performance --- the input/out power ratio, even with the proviso that we did not have to "look into his black box" of electronics feeding his rather simply constructed stainless steel electrode, alternating current and voltage cell. The last such refusal --- this one in public and recorded on video tape --- was at the ANE meeting in Denver CO in 1997. Then Meyer loudly and falsely protested to me that he would "lose his patent rights" if he were to release anything but complete, integrated systems --- such as a water-fueled vehicle. Excuses, excuses, excuses...
In 1996, Meyer lost a long-lasting Ohio civil court battle accusing him of "egregious fraud" against a former associate. As was Meyer's custom, he ascribed this and other alleged assaults on him to various conspiracies. To television cameras he suggested that he had been offered huge sums of money to "suppress this technology", but that he had refused those sums. One had the impression that he really believed that there were conspiracies against him. That is a tragedy, a very compounded tragedy if he had actually come up with something novel and useful that he was hiding.
This is a very complex human and scientific story that we shall want to cover in greater detail in a future issue of Infinite Energy. There are other processes and inventions that suggest that splitting water molecules with much greater efficiency than with conventional electrolysis may be possible. Certainly there are other novelties within water --- "cold fusion" to be sure --- that really do produce prodigious quantities of energy, but not in the mode Meyer claimed. For now, here are some of the facts surrounding Meyer's death:
He was apparently eating dinner at a Grove City OH restaurant, when it is reported that he jumped up from the table, yelled that he'd been poisoned", and rushed out into the parking lot, where he collapsed and died. It has been reported by Meyer's associates that Meyer had just secured funding for a $50 million research center near Grove City, but there is no way to confirm or reject this at the moment.
USP # 4,936,961 Method for the Production of a Fuel Gas
Stanley Meyer
Related Application: This is a continuation-in-part of my co-pending application Ser.; No. 081,859, filed 8/5/87, now U.S. Pat. No. 4,826, 581.
Field of Invention: This invention relates to a method of and apparatus for obtaining the release of a fuel gas mixture including hydrogen and oxygen from water.
Numerous processes have been proposed for separating a water molecule into its elemental hydrogen and oxygen components. Electrolysis is one such process. Other processes are described in the United States patents such as 4,344,831; 4,184,931; 4,023,545; 3,980, 053; and Patent Cooperation Treaty application No. PCT/US80/1362, Published 30 April, 1981.
It is an object of the invention to provide a fuel cell and a process in which molecules of water are broken down into hydrogen and oxygen gases, and other formerly dissolved within the water is produced. As used herein the term "fuel cell" refers to a single unit of the invention comprising a water capacitor cell, as hereinafter explained, that produces the fuel gas in accordance with the method of the invention.
Brief Description of the Drawings
FIG. 1 illustrates a circuit useful in the process.

FIG. 2 shows a perspective of a "water capacitor" element used in the fuel cell circuit.


(A) providing a capacitor, in which the water is included as a dielectric liquid between capacitor plates, in a resonant charging choke circuit that includes an inductance in series with the capacitor;
(B) subjecting the capacitor to a pulsating, unipolar electric voltage field in which the polarity does not pass beyond an arbitrary ground, whereby the water molecules within the capacitor are subjected to a charge of the same polarity and the water molecules are distended by their subjection to electrical polar forces;
(C) further subjecting in said capacitor to said pulsating electric field to achieve a pulse frequency such that the pulsating electric field induces a resonance within the water molecule;
(D) continuing the application of the pulsating frequency to the capacitor cell after resonance occurs so that the energy level within the molecule is increased in cascading incremental steps in proportion to the number of pulses;
(E) maintaining the charge of said capacitor during the application of the pulsing field, whereby the co-valent electrical bonding of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms within said molecules is destabilized such that the force of the electrical field applied, as the force is effective within the molecule, exceeds the bonding force of the molecule, and hydrogen and oxygen atoms are liberated from the molecule as elemental gases; and
(F) collecting said hydrogen and oxygen gases, and any other gases that were formerly dissolved within the water, and discharging the collected gases as a fuel gas mixture.
The process follows the sequence of steps shown in the following Table 1 in which water molecules are subjected to increasing electrical forces. In an ambient state, randomly oriented water molecules are aligned with respect to a molecule polar orientation.
They are next, themselves polarized and "elongated" by the application of an electrical potential to the extent that covalent bonding of the water molecule is so weakened that the atoms dissociate and the molecule breaks down into hydrogen and oxygen elemental components.
Engineering design parameters based on known theoretical principles of electrical circuits determine the incremental levels of electrical and wave energy input required to produce resonance in the system whereby the fuel gas comprised of a mixture of hydrogen, oxygen, and other gases such as air were formerly dissolved within the water, is produced.
Process Steps:
The sequence of the relative state of the water molecule and/or hydrogen/oxygen/other atoms:
A. (ambient state) random
B. Alignment of polar fields
C. Polarization of molecule
D. Molecular elongation
E. Atom liberation by breakdown of covalent bond
F. Release of gases
In the process, the point of optimum gas release is reached at a circuit resonance. Water in the fuel cell is subjected to a pulsating, polar electric field produced by the electrical circuit whereby the water molecules are distended by reason of their subjection to electrical polar forces of the capacitor plates.
The polar pulsating frequency applied is such that the pulsating electric field induces a resonance in the molecule. A cascade effect occurs and the overall energy level of specific water molecules is increased in cascading, incremental steps.
The hydrogen and oxygen atomic gases, and other gas components formerly entrapped as dissolved gases in water, are released when
the resonant energy exceeds the covalent bonding force of the water molecule. A preferred construction material for the capacitor plates
is stainless steel T-304 which is non-chemical reactive with water, hydrogen, or oxygen.
An electrically conductive material which is inert in the fluid environment is a desirable material of construction for the electrical field plates of the "water capacitor" employed in the circuit.
Once triggered, the gas output is controllable by the attenuation of operational parameters. Thus, once the frequency of resonance is identified, by varying the applied pulse voltage to the water fuel cell assembly, gas output is varied.
By varying the pulse shape and/or amplitude or pulse train sequence of the initial pulsing wave source, final gas output is varied. Attenuation of the voltage field frequency in the form of OFF and ON pulses likewise affects output.
The overall apparatus thus includes an electrical circuit in which a water capacitor having a known dielectric property is an element. The fuel gases are obtained from the water by the disassociation of the water molecule. The water molecules are split into component atomic elements (hydrogen and oxygen gases) by a voltage stimulation process called the electrical polarization process which also releases dissolved gases entrapped in the water.
From the outline of physical phenomena associated with the process described in Table 1, the theoretical basis of the invention considers the respective states of molecules and gases and ions derived from liquid water. Before voltage stimulation, water molecules are randomly dispersed throughout water in a container.
When a unipolar voltage pulse train such as shown in FIGS. 3B through 3F is applied to positive and negative capacitor plates, an increasing voltage potential is induced in the molecules in a linear, step like charging effect.
The electrical field of the particles within a volume of water including the electrical field plates increases from a low energy state to a high energy state successively is a step manner following each pulse-train as illustrated figuratively in the depictions of FIG. 3A through 3F.
The increasing voltage potential is always positive in direct relationship to negative ground potential during each pulse. The voltage polarity on the plates which create the voltage fields remains constant although the voltage charge increases. Positive and negative voltage "zones" are thus formed simultaneously in the electrical field of the capacitor plates.
In the first stage of the process described in Table 1, because the water molecule naturally exhibits opposite electrical fields in a relatively polar configuration (the two hydrogen atoms are positively electrically charged relative to the negative electrically charged oxygen atom), the voltage pulse causes initially randomly oriented water molecules in the liquid state to spin and orient themselves with reference to positive and negative poles of the voltage fields applied.
The positive electrically charged hydrogen atoms of said water molecule are attracted to a negative voltage field; while, at the same time, the negative electrically charged oxygen atoms of the same water molecule are attracted to a positive voltage field.
Even a slight potential difference applied to inert, conductive plates of a containment chamber which forms a capacitor will initiate polar atomic orientation within the water molecule based on polarity differences.
When the potential difference applied causes the orientated water molecules to align themselves between the conductive plates, pulsing causes the voltage field intensity to be increased in accordance with FIG. 3B. As further molecule alignment occurs, molecular movement is hindered.
Because the positively charged hydrogen atoms of said aligned molecules are attracted in a direction opposite to the negatively charged oxygen atoms, a polar charge alignment or distribution occurs within the molecules between said voltage zones, as shown in FIG. 3B. And as the energy level of the atoms subjected to resonant pulsing increases, the stationary water molecules become elongated as shown in FIGS. 3C and 3D. Electrically charged nuclei and electrons are attracted toward opposite electrically charged equilibrium of the water molecule.
As the water molecule is further exposed to an increasing potential difference resulting from the step charging of the capacitor, the electrical force of attraction of the atoms within the molecule to the capacitor plates of the chamber also increase in strength. As a result, the covalent bonding between which form the molecule is weakened --- and ultimately terminated. The negatively charged electron is attracted toward the positively charged hydrogen atoms, while at the same time, the negatively charged oxygen atoms repel electrons.
In a more specific explanation of the "sub-atomic" action the occurs in the water fuel cell, it is known that natural water is a liquid which has a dielectric constant of 78.54 at 20 degrees C. and 1 atm pressure. [Handbook of Chemistry & Physics, 68th ed., CRC Press(Boca Raton, Florida (1987-88)), Section E-50. H20(water)].
When a volume of water is isolated and electrically conductive plates, that are chemically inert in water and are separated by a distance, are immersed in water, a capacitor is formed, having a capacitance determined by the surface area of the plates, the distance of their separation and the dielectric constant of water.
When water molecules are exposed to voltage at a restricted current, water takes on an electrical charge. By the laws of electrical attraction, molecules align according to positive and negative polarity fields of the molecule and the alignment field. The plates of the capacitor constitute such as alignment field when a voltage is applied.
When a charge is applied to a capacitor, the electrical charge of the capacitor equals the applied voltage charge; in a water capacitor, the dielectric property of water resists the flow of amps in the circuit, and the water molecule itself, because it has polarity fields formed by the relationship of hydrogen and oxygen in the covalent bond, and intrinsic dielectric property, becomes part of the electrical circuit, analogous to a "microcapacitor" within the capacitor defined by the plates.
In the Example of a fuel cell circuit of FIG. 1, a water capacitor is included. The step-up coil is formed on a conventional toroidal core formed of a compressed ferromagnetic powered material that will not itself become permanently magnetized, such as the trademarked "Ferramic 06# "Permag" powder as described in Siemens Ferrites Catalog, CG-2000-002-121, (Cleveland, Ohio) No. F626-1205". The core is 1.50 inch in diameter and 0.25 inch in thickness. A primary coil of 200 turns of 24 gauge copper wire is provided and coil of 600 turns of 36 gauge wire comprises the secondary winding.
In the circuit of FIG 1, the diode is a 1N1198 diode which acts as a blocking diode and an electric switch that allows voltage flow in one direction only. Thus, the capacitor is never subjected to a pulse of reverse polarity.
The primary coil of the toroid is subject to a 50% duty cycle pulse. The toroidal pulsing coil provides a voltage step-up from the pulse generator in excess of five times, although the relative amount of step-up is determined by preselected criteria for a particular application. As the stepped-up pulse enters first inductor (formed from 100 turns of 24 gauge wire 1 inch in diameter), an electromagnetic field is formed around the inductor, voltage is switched off when the pulse ends, and the field collapses and produces another pulse of the same polarity i.e., another positive pulse is formed where the 50% duty cycle was terminated. Thus, a double pulse frequency is produced; however, in pulse train of unipolar pulses, there is a brief time when pulses are not present.
By being so subjected to electrical pulses in the circuit of FIG. 1, water confined in the volume that includes the capacitor plates takes on an electrical charge that is increased by a step charging phenomenon occurring in the water capacitor. Voltage continually increases (to about 1000 volts and more) and the water molecules starts to elongate.
The pulse train is then switched off; the voltage across the water capacitor drops to the amount of the charge that the water molecules have taken on, i.e., voltage is maintained across the charged capacitor. The pulse train is the reapplied.
Because a voltage potential applied to a capacitor can perform work, the higher the voltage the higher the voltage potential, the more work is performed by a given capacitor. In an optimum capacitor that is wholly non-conductive, zero (0) current flow will occur across the capacitor.
Thus, in view of an idealized capacitor circuit, the object of the water capacitor circuit is to prevent electron flow through the circuit, i.e. such as occurs by electron flow or leakage through a resistive element that produces heat.
Electrical leakage in the water will occur, however, because of some residual conductivity and impurities or ions that may be otherwise present in the water. Thus, the water capacitor is preferably chemically inert. An electrolyte is not added to the water.
In the isolated water bath, the water molecule takes on charge, and the charge increases. The object of the process is to switch off the covalent bonding of the water molecule and interrupt the subatomic force, i.e. the electrical force or electromagnetic force, that binds the hydrogen and oxygen atoms to form a molecule so that the hydrogen and oxygen separate.
Because an electron will only occupy a certain electron shell (shells are well known) the voltage applied to the capacitor affects the electrical forces inherent in the covalent bond. As a result of the charge applied by the plates, the applied force becomes greater than the force of the covalent bonds between the atom of the water molecule; and the water molecule becomes elongated. When this happens, the time share ratio of the electron shells is modified.
In the process, electrons are extracted from the water bath; electrons are not consumed nor are electrons introduced into the water bath by the circuit as electrons are conventionally introduced in as electrolysis process. There may nevertheless occur a leakage current through the water.
Those hydrogen atoms missing electrons become neutralized; atoms are liberated from the water. The charged atoms and electrons are attracted to the opposite polarity voltage zones created between the capacitor plates. The electrons formerly shared by atoms in the water covalent bond are reallocated such that neutral elemental gases are liberated.
In the process, the electrical resonance may be reached at all levels of voltage potential. The overall circuit is characterized as a "resonant charging choke" circuit which is an inductor in series with a capacitor that produces a resonant circuit. [SAMS Modern Dictionary of Electronics, Rudolf Garff, copyright 1984, Howard W. Sams & Co. (Indianapolis, Ind.), page 859.]
Such a resonant charging choke is on each side of the capacitor. In the circuit, the diode acts as a switch that allows the magnetic field produced in the inductor to collapse, thereby doubling the pulse frequency and preventing the capacitor from discharging. In this manner a continuous voltage is produced across the capacitor plates in the water bath; and the capacitor does not discharge. The water molecules are thus subjected to a continuously charged field until the breakdown of the covalent bond occurs.
As noted initially, the capacitance depends on the dielectric properties of the water and the size and separation of the conductive elements forming the water capacitor.
In an example of the circuit of FIG. 1 (in which other circuit element specifications are provided above), two concentric cylinders 4 inches long formed the water capacitor of the fuel cell in the volume of water. The outside cylinder was 0.75 inch in outside diameter; the inner cylinder was 0.5 inch in outside diameter.
Spacing from the outside of the inner cylinder to the inner surface of the outside cylinder was 0.0625 inch. Resonance in the circuit was achieved at a 26 volt applied pulse to the primary coil of the toroid at 0 KHz, and the water molecules disassociated into elemental hydrogen and oxygen and the gas released from the fuel cell comprised a mixture of hydrogen, oxygen from the water molecule, and gases formerly dissolved in the water such as the atmospheric gases or oxygen, nitrogen, and argon.
In achieving resonance in any circuit, as the pulse frequency is adjusted, the flow of amps is minimized and the voltage is maximized to a peak. Calculation of the resonance frequency of an overall circuit is determined by known means; different cavities have a different frequency of resonance dependant on parameters of the water dielectric, plate size, configuration and distance, circuit inductors, and the like. Control of the production of fuel gas is determined by variation of the period of time between a train of pulses, pulse amplitude and capacitor plate size and configuration, with corresponding value adjustments to other circuit components.
The wiper arm on the second conductor tunes the circuit and accommodates to contaminants in water so that the charge is always applied to the capacitor. The voltage applied determines the rate of breakdown of the molecule into its atomic components. As water in the cell is consumed, it is replaced by any appropriate means or control system.
Variations of the process and apparatus may be evident to those skilled in the art.
What is claimed is: [ Claims not included here ]
1N1198 Diode is also a NTE 5995 or a ECG 5994. It is a 40A 600 PIV Diode (the 40A is over kill and may not be needed).
Stainless Steel "T304" is a type of weldable Stainless, but other types should work the same. "T304" is just the more common type of Stainless tubing available.
The outer tube figures out to be 3/4" 16 gauge (.060 "wall") tube (a common size) cut to 4 inch length.
The inner tube figures out to be 1/2" 18 gauge (.049 "wall", this is a common size for this tube, but the actual gauge cannot be figured from this patent documentation, but this size should work) cut to 4 inch length.
You should also attach the two leads to the Stainless, using Stainless solid rod (1/6 dia would do) and USE LEAD FREE SOLDER ! (you may want the purified water that is returned to drink some day).
You also need to figure out a way to keep the two tubes separated from each other. This could be done with small pieces of plastic. They cannot block the flow of water into/out of the tubes.
It was not indicated if the inner tube is full of water or not. The guess here is that it is full of water, and this doesn't effect the device at all.
The Patent doesn't say but I would think that insulating the leads with some type of tubing up to the tubes would be electrically correct (and probably wouldn't hurt).
The pulse frequency was not printed, it is estimated from the size of the coils and transformer that the frequency doesn't exceed 50 Mhz. Don't depend on this being fact, it's just a educated guess.
The circuit to do this is not shown, just empty boxes. It's time to get out your SCOPE and try things! Don't forget to share your results with others ! GREED is why this type of thing never gets out into the world to do some GOOD. If you want to make some money, make something PRACTICAL that WORKS and that PEOPLE can use in their every day lives, then sell it! Holding onto information like this only hurts ALL OF US !!
USP # 4,826,581
Controlled Process for the Production of Thermal Energy from Gases and Apparatus Useful Therefore
Stanley Meyer
(May 2, 1989)
Abstract -- A method of and apparatus for obtaining the release of energy from a gas mixture including hydrogen and oxygen in which charged ions are stimulated to an activated state, and then passed through a resonant cavity, where successively increasing energy levels are achieved, and finally passed to an outlet orifice to produce thermal explosive energy.
Inventors: Meyer; Stanley A. (3792 Broadway, Grove City, OH 43123)
Appl. No.: 081859 ~ Filed: August 5, 1987
Current U.S. Class: 204/157.41; 204/164 ~ Intern'l Class: C07G 013/00
Field of Search: 204/164,157.41,157.44
References Cited:
U.S. Patent Documents ~
4,233,109 Nov., 1980 Nishizawa 204/164.
4,406,765 Sep., 1983 Higashi, et al. 204/164.
4,687,753 Aug., 1987 Fiato et al. 204/157.
4,695,357 Sep., 1987 Boussert 204/157.
This invention relates to a method of and apparatus for obtaining the release of energy from a gas mixture including hydrogen and oxygen in which charged ions are stimulated to an actived state, and then passed through a resonant cavity, where successively increasing energy levels are achieved, and finally passed to an outlet orifice to produce thermal explosive energy.
Processes have been proposed for many years in which controlled energy producing reactions of atomic particles are expected to occur under "cold" conditions. [See. e.q.. Rafelski, J. and Jones, S.E., "Cold Nuclear Fusion," Scientific American, July, 1987, page 84]. The process and apparatus described herein are considered variations to and improvements in processes by which energy is derived from excited atomic components in a controllable manner.
It is an object of the invention to realize significant energy-yield from water atoms. Molecules of water are broken down into hydrogen and oxygen gases. Electrically charged gas ions of opposite electrical polarity are activated By Express Mail No. 26224690 on August 5, 1987 by electromagnetic wave energy and exposed to a high temperature thermal zone. Significant amounts of thermal energy with explosive force beyond the gas burning stage are released.
An explosive thermal energy under a controlled state is produced. The process and apparatus provide a heat energy source useful for power generation, aircraft, rocket engines, or space stations.
FIG. 1 illustrates a staged arrangement of apparatus useful in the process, beginning with a water inlet and culminating in the production of thermal explosive energy.


[Error in patent: Figure not shown]
FIG. 2C shows an optical thermal lens assembly for use either final stage of FIG. 2A or FIG. 2B.
[Error in patent: Figure not shown]
FIGS. 3A, 3B, 3C and 3D are illustrations depicting various theoretical bases for atomic phenomena expected to occur during operation of the invention herein.
[Error in patent: Figure not shown]
FIG. 4 is an electrical schematic of the voltage source for the gas resonant cavity.
[Error in patent: Figure not shown]
FIGS. 5A and 5B, respectively, show (A) an electron extractor grid used in the injector assemblies of FIG. 2A and FIG. 2B, and (B) the electronic control circuit for the extractor grid.
[Error in patent: Figure not shown]
[Actual Figures: ]

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

The hydrogen fracturing process, follows the sequence of steps shown in the following Table I in which beginning with water molecules, the molecule is subjected to successively increasing electrical, wave energy and thermal forces. In the succession of forces, radomly oriented water molecules are aligned with respect to molecular polar orientation and are themselves polarized and "elongated" by the application of an electric potential to the extent that covalent bonding of the water molecule is so weakened that the atoms disassociate and the molecule breaks down into hydrogen and oxygen elemental components. The released atomic gases are next ionized and electrically charged in a vessel while being subjected to a further energy source that promotes inter-particle impact in the gas at an increased overall energy level. Finally, the atomic particles in the excited gas, having achieved successively higher energy levels, are subjected to a laser or electromagnetic wave energy source that produces atomic destabilization and the final release of thermal explosive energy. Engineering design parameters based on known theoretical principles of atomic physics determine the incremental levels of electrical and wave energy input required to produce resonance in each stage of the system. Instead of a dampening effect, a resonant energization of the molecule, atom or ion provides a compounding energy interaction resulting in the final energy release.
RANDOM 1st Stage
ALIGNMENT Water to Gas
Final Stage
After the first stage in which water is broken down into its atomic components in a mixture of hydrogen, oxygen and formerly dissolved entrapped gasses, the gas atoms become elongated during electron removal as the atoms are ionized. Laser, or light wave energy of a predetermined frequency is injected into a containment vessel in a gas ionization process. The light energy absorbed by voltage stimulated gas nuclei causes destabilization of gas ions still further. The absorbed laser energy causes the gas nuclei to increase in energy state, which, in turn, causes electron deflection to a higher orbital shell.
The electrically charged and laser primed combustible gas ions from a gas resonant cavity may be directed into an optical thermal lens assembly for triggering. Before entry into the optimal thermal lens, however, electrons are stripped from the ions and the atom is destabilized. The destabilized gas ions which are electrically and mass unbalanced atoms having highly energized nuclei are pressurized during spark ignition. The unbalanced, destablized atomic components thermally interact; the energized and unstable hydrogen gas nuclei collide with highly energized and unstable oxygen gas nuclei, causing and producing thermal explosive energy beyond the gas burning stage. The ambient air gas components in the initial mixture aid the thermal explosive process under a controlled state.
In the process, the point of optimum energy-yield is reached when the electron deficient oxygen atoms (having less than a normal number of electrons) lock onto and capture a hydrogen atom electron prior to or during thermal combustion of the hydrogen/oxygen mixture. Atomic decay results in the release of energy.
In a general outline of the method, a first gas mixture including at least a portion of hydrogen and oxygen gases is provided. The gas mixture is subjected to a pulsating, polar electric field whereby electrons of the gas atoms are distended in their orbital fields by reason of their subjection to electrical polar forces. The polar pulsating frequency applied is such that the pulsating electric field induces a resonance with respect to an election of the gas atom. A cascade effect results and the energy level of specific resonating electron is increased in cascading, incremental steps.
Next, the gas atoms are ionized and subjected to electro-magnetic wave energy having a predetermined frequency to induce a further election resonance in the ion, whereby the energy level of the election is successively increased. Electrons are extracted from the resonating ions while such ions are in an increased energy state to destabilize the nuclear electron configuration of said ions; and the gas mixture of destabilized ions is thermally ignited.
In the apparatus shown in FIG. 1, water is introduced at inlet 1 into a first stage water fracturing module 2 in which water molecules are broken down into hydrogen, oxygen and released entrapped gas components by an electrical disassociation process and apparatus such as shown in my co-pending application Ser. No. 835,564, filed March 3, 1986, which is incorporated herein by reference. The released atomic gases and other gas components formerly entrapped as dissolved gases in water may be introduced to a successive stage 3 or other number of like resonant cavities, which are arranged in either a series or parallel combined array. The successive energization of the gas atoms provides a cascading effect, successively increasing the voltage stimulation level of the released gasses as they sequentially pass through cavities 2, 3, etc. In a final stage, an injector system 4, of a configuration of the type shown in FIGS. 2A or 2B, receives energized atomic and gas particles where the particles are subjected to further energy input, electrical excitation and thermal stimulation, whereby thermal explosive energy results 5, which may be directed thru a lens assembly of the type shown in FIG. 2C to provide a controlled thermal energy output.
Electromagnetic wave activated and electrically charged gas ions of hydrogen and oxygen (of opposite polarity) are expelled from the cascaded cells 2, 3, etc. The effect of cascading successively increases the voltage stimulation level of the released gases, which then are directed to the final injector assembly 4. In the injector assembly, gas ions are stimulated to a yet higher energy level. The gases are continually exposed to a pulsating laser or other electromagnetic wave energy source together with a high intensity oscillating voltage field that occurs within the cell between electrodes or conductive plates of opposite electrical polarity. A preferred construction material for the plates is a stainless steel T-304 which is non-chemically reactive with water, hydrogen, or oxygen. An electrically conductive material which is inert in the fluid environment is a desirable material of construction for the electrical field producing plates, through which field the gas stream of activated particles passes. Gas ions of opposite electrical charges reach and maintain a critical energy level state. The gas ions are oppositely electrically charged and subjected to oscillating voltage fields of opposite polarity and are also subjected to a pulsating electromagnetic wave energy source. Immediately after reaching critical energy, the excited gas ions are exposed to a high temperature thermal zone in the injection cell, 4, that causes the excited gas ions to undergo gas combustion. The gas ignition triggers atomic decay and releases thermal energy, 5, with explosive force.
Once triggered, the thermal explosive energy output is controllable by the attenuation of operational parameters. With reference to FIG. 4A, for example, once the frequency of resonance is identified, by varying applied pulse voltage to the initial water fuel cell assemblies, 2, 3, the ultimate explosive energy output is likewise varied. By varying the pulse shape and/or amplitude or pulse train sequence of the electromagnetic wave energy source, final output is varied. Attenuation of the voltage field frequency in the form of OFF and ON pulses likewise affects output of the staged apparatus. Each control mechanism can be used separately, grouped in sections, or systematically arranged in a sequential manner.
The overall apparatus thus includes means for providing a first gas mixture consisting of at least a portion of hydrogen and oxygen gas. The gases may be obtained by disassociation of the water molecule. An electrical circuit of the type shown in FIG. 4 provides a pulsating, polar electric field to the gas mixture as illustrated in FIG. 3A, whereby electrons of the gas atoms are distended in their orbital fields by reason of their subjection to electrical polar forces, changing from the state conceptually illustrated by FIG. 3B to that of FIG. 3C, at a frequency such that the pulsating electric field induces a resonance with respect to electrons of the gas atoms. The energy level of the resonant electrons is thereby increased in cascading, incremental steps. A further electric field to ionize said gas atoms is applied and an electromagnetic wave energy source for subjecting the ionized gas atoms to wave energy of a predetermined frequency to induce a further electron resonance in the ion, whereby the energy level of the election is successively increased is an additional element of the apparatus as shown in FIG. 3D.
An electron sink, which may be in the form of the grid element shown in FIG. 5A, extracts further electrons from the resonating ions while such ions are in an increased energy state and destabilizes the nuclear electron configuration of the ions. The "extraction" of electrons by the sink means is coordinated with the pulsating electrical field of the resonant cavity produced by the circuit of FIG. 4, by means of an interconnected synchronization circuit, such as shown in FIG. 5B. A nozzle, 10 in FIG. 2B, or thermal lens assembly, FIG. 2C, provides the directing means in which the destabilized ions are finally thermally ignited.
As previously noted, to reach and trigger the ultimate atomic decay of the fuel cell gases at the final stage, sequential steps are taken. First, water molecules are split into component atomic elements (hydrogen and oxygen gases) by a voltage stimulation process called the electrical polarization process which also releases dissolved gases entrapped in the water (See my co-pending application for letters patent, Ser. No. 835, 564, supra). In the injector assembly, a laser produced light wave or other form of coherent electromagnetic wave energy capable of stimulating a resonance within the atomic components is absorbed by the mixture of gases (hydrogen/oxygen/ambient air gases) released by the polarization process. At this point, as shown in FIG. 3B, the individual atoms are subjected to an electric field to begin an ionization process.
The laser or electromagnetic wave energy is absorbed and causes gas atoms to lose electrons and form positively charged gas ions. The energized hydrogen atoms which, as ionized, are positively charged, now accept electrons liberated from the heavier gases and attract other negatively charged gas ions as conceptually illustrated in FIG. 3C. Positively and negatively charged gas ions are re-exposed to further pulsating energy sources to maintain random distribution of ionized atomic gas particles.
The gas ions within the wave energy chamber are subjected to an oscillating high intensity voltage field in a chamber 11 in FIGS. 2A and 2B formed within electrodes 12 and 13 in FIGS. 2A and 2B of opposite electrical polarity to produce a resonant cavity. The gas ions reach a critical energy state at a resonant state.
At this point, within the chamber, additional electrons are attracted to said positive electrode; whereas, positively charged ions or atomic nuclei are attracted to the negative electrode. The positive and negative attraction forces are co-ordinate and operate on said gas ions simultaneously; the attraction forces are non-reversible. The gas ions experience atomic component deflection approaching the point of electron separation. At this point electrons are extracted from the chamber by a grid system such as shown in FIG. 5A. The extracted electrons are consumed and prevented from re-entering the chamber by a circut such as shown in FIG. 5B. The elongated gas ions are subjected to a thermal heat zone to cause gas ignition, releasing thermal energy with explosive force. During ionic gas combustion, highly energized and stimulated atoms and atom nuclei collide and explode during thermal excitation. The hydrogen fracturing process occurring sustains and maintains a thermal zone, at a temperature in excess of normal hydrogen/oxygen combustion temperature, to wit, in excess of F. To cause and maintain atomic elongation depicted in FIG. 3C before gas ignition, a voltage intensifier circuit such as shown in FIG. 4 is utilized as a current restricting voltage source to provide the excitation voltage applied to the resonant cavity. At the same time the interconnected eletron extractor circuit, FIG. 5B, prevents the reintroduction of electrons back into the system. Depending on calculated design parameters, a predetermined voltage and frequency range may be designed for any particular application or physical configuration of the apparatus.
In the operation of the assembly, the pulse train source for the gas resonant cavity shown at 2 and 3 in FIG. 1 may be derived from a circuit such as shown in FIG. 4. It is necessary in the final electron extraction that the frequency with which electrons are removed from the system by sequenced and synchronized with the pulsing of the gas resonant cavity In the circuit of FIG. 5B, the coordination or synchronization of the circuit with the circuit of FIG. 4 may be achieved by interconnecting point "A" of the gate circuit of FIG. 5B to coordinate point "A" of the pulsing circuit of FIG. 4.
Together the hydrogen injector assembly 4 and the resonant cavity assemblies 2, 3 form a gas injector fuel cell which is compact, light in weight and design variable. For example, the hydrogen injector system is suited for automobiles and jet engines. Industrial applications require larger systems. For rocket engine applications, the hydrogen gas injector system is positioned at the top of each resonant cavity arranged in a parallel cluster array. If resonant cavities are sequentially combined in a parallel/series array, the hydrogen injection assembly is positioned after the exits of said resonant cavities are combined.
From the outline of physical phenomena associated with the process described in Table 1, the theoretical basis of the invention considers the respective states of molecules, gases and ions derived from liquid water. Before voltage stimulation, water molecules are randomly dispersed throughout water within a container. When a unipolar voltage pulse train such as shown in FIG. 3A (53a xxx 53n) is applied, an increasing voltage potential is induced in the molecules, gases and/or ions in a linear, step-like charging effect. The electrical field of the particles within a chamber including the electrical field plates increases from a low energy state (A) to a high energy state (J) in a step manner following each pulse-train as illustrated in FIG. 3A. The increasing voltage potential is always positive in direct relationship to negative ground potential during each pulse. The voltage polarity on the plates which create the voltage fields remains constant. Positive and negative voltage "zones" are thus formed simultaneously.
In the first stage of the process described in Table 1, because the water molecule naturally exhibits opposite electrical fields in a relatively polar configuration (the two hydrogen atoms are positively electrically charged relative to the negative electrically charged oxgen atom), the voltage pulse causes initially randomly oriented water molecules in the liquid state to spin and orient themselves with reference to positive and negative poles of the voltage fields applied. The positive electrically charged hydrogen atoms of said water molecule are attracted to a negative voltage field; while, at the same time, the negative electrically charged oxygen atoms of the same water molecule an attracted to a positive voltage field. Even a slight potential difference applied to the inert, conductive plates of a containment chamber will initiate polar atomic orientation within the water molecule based on polarity differences.
When the potential difference applied causes the orientated water molecules to align themselves between the conductive plates, pulsing causes the voltage field intensity to be increased in accordance with FIG. 3A. As further molecular alignment occurs, molecular movement is hindered. Because the positively charged hydrogen atoms of said aligned molecules are attracted in a direction opposite to the negatively charged oxygen atoms, a polar charge alignment or distribution occurs within the molecules between said voltage zones, as shown in FIG. 3B. And as the energy level of the atoms subjected to resonant pulsing increases, the stationary water molecules become elongated as shown in FIG. 3C. Electrically charged nuclei and electrons are attracted toward opposite electrically charged voltage zones--disrupting the mass equilibium of the water molecule.
In the first stage, as the water molecule is further exposed to a potential difference, the electrical force of attraction of the atoms within the molecule to the electrodes of the chamber also increases in intensity. As a result, the covalent bonding between said atoms which forms the molecule is weakened and ultimately terminated. The negatively charged electron is attracted toward the positively charged hydrogen atoms, while at the same time, the negatively charged oxygen atoms repel electrons.
Once the applied resonant energy caused by pulsation of the electrical field in the cavities reaches a threshold level, the disassociated water molecules, now in the form of liberated hydrogen, oxygen, and ambient air gases begin to ionize and lose or gain electrons during the final stage in the injector assembly. Atom destablization occurs and the electrical and mass equilibrium of the atoms is disrupted. Again, the positive field produced within the chamber or cavity that encompasses the gas stream attracts negatively charged ions while the positively charged ions (and/or hydrogen nuclei) are attracted to the negative field. Atom stabilization does not occur because the pulsating voltage applied is repetitive without polarity change. A potential of approximately several thousand volts triggers the ionization state.
As the ionized particles accumulate within said chamber, the electrical charging effect is again an incremental stepping effect that produces an accumlative increased potential while, at the same time, resonance occurs. The components of the atom begin to "vibrate" at a resonant frequency such that an atomic instability is created. As shown in FIG. 3D, a high energy level is achieved, which then collapses resulting in the release of thermal explosive energy. Particle impact occurs when liberated ions in a gas are subjected to further voltage. A longitudinal cross section of a gas resonant cavity is shown in FIG. 2A. To promote gas ionization, electromagnetic wave energy such as a laser or photon energy source of a predetermined wave length and pulse-intensity is directed to and absorbed by the ions forming said gas. In the device of FIG. 2A, semiconductor optical lasers 20a-20p, 20xxx surround the gas flow path. In the device of FIG. 2B, photon energy 20 is injected into a separate absorption chamber 21. The incremental stimulation of nuclei to a more highly energized state by electromagnetic wave energy causes electron deflection to a higher orbital state. The Pulse rate as well as intensity of the electromagnetic wave source is varied to match the absorption rate of ionized particles to produce the stepped incremental increase in energy. A single laser coupled by means of fiber optic light guides is an alternative to the plurality of lasers shown in FIG. 2B. Continued exposure of the gas ions to different forms of wave energy during voltage stimulation maintains individual atoms in a destabilized state and prevents atomic stabilization.
The highly energized gas ions are thermally ignited when said combustible gas ions pass from injector 4 and enter into and pass through a nozzle, 10 in FIG. 2B, or an optical thermal lens assembly such as shown in FIG. 2C. In FIG. 2C, the combustible gas ions are expelled through and beyond a quenching circuit, 30, and reflected by lenses, 31 and 32, back and forth through a thermal heat zone, 33, prior to atomic breakdown beyond exiting through a final port, 34. A quenching circuit is a restricted orifice through which the particle stream passes such that flashback does not occur. (See my application Ser. No. 835, 564, supra.) The deflection shield or lens, 31, superheats beyond 3, F. and the combustible gas ions passing through said exiting-ports are regulated to allow a gas pressure to form inside said thermal zone. The energy yield is controlled by varying the applied voltage, or Pulse-train since said thermal-lens assembly is self-adjusting to the flow-rate of said ionized and primed gases. The combustible ionic gas mixture is composed of hydrogen, oxygen, and ambient air gases. The hydrogen gas provides the thermal explosive force, the oxygen atoms aid the gas thermal ignition, and the ambient air gases retard the gas thermal ignition process to a controllable state. As the combustible gas mixture is exposed to a voltage pulse train, the stepped increasing voltage potential causes said moving gas atoms to become ionized (losing or gaining electrons) and changes the electrical and mass equilibrium of said atoms. Gases that do not undergo the gas ionization process may accept the liberated electrons (electron entrapment) when exposed to light or photon stimulation. The electron extractor grid circuit, FIGS. 5A and 5B, is applied to the assembly of FIG. 2A or FIG. 2B, and restricts electron replacement. The extractor grid, 56, is applied adjacent to electric field producing members, 44 and 45, within the resonant cavity. The gas ions incrementally reach a critical-state which occurs after a high energy resonant state. At this point the atoms no longer tolerate the missing electrons, the unbalanced electrical field, and the energy stored in the nucleus. Immediate collapse of the system occurs and energy is released as the atoms decay into thermal explosive energy.
The repetitive application of a voltage pulse train (A through J of FIG. 3A) incrementally achieves the critical state of said gas ions. As the gas atoms or ions (la xxx ln) shown in FIG. 3C become elongated during electron removal, electromagnetic wave energy of a predetermined frequency and intensity is injected. The wave energy absorbed by the stimulated gas nuclei and electrons causes further destabilization of the ionic gas. The absorbed energy from all sources causes the gas nuclei to increase in energy state, and induces the ejection of electrons from the nuclei.
To further stimulate the electron entrapment process beyond the atomic level (capturing the liberated electrons during the hydrogen fracturing process) the electron extractor grid (as shown in FIG. 5A) is placed in spaced relationship to the gas resonant cavity structure shown in FIG. 2A. The electron extractor grid is attached to an electrical circuit (such as shown in FIG. 5B) that allows electrons to flow to an electrical load, 55, when a positive electrical potential is placed on the opposite side of said electrical load. The electrical load may be a typical power consuming device such as a light bulb or resistive heat producing device. As the positive electrical potential is switched on or pulse-applied, the negative charged electrons liberated in the gas resonant cavity are drawn away and enter into resistive load where they are consumed and released as heat or light energy. The consuming electrical circuit can be directly connected to the gas resonant cavity positive electrical voltage zone. The incoming positive wave form applied to resonant cavity voltage zone through a blocking diode is synchronized with the pulse train applied to the gas resonant cavity by the circuit of FIG. 4 via alternate gate circuit. As one pulse train is gated "ON," the other pulse train is switched "OFF." A blocking diode directs the electron flow to said electrical load while resistive wire prevents voltage leakage during pulse train "ON" time.
The electron extraction process is maintained during gas flow-rate change by varying the trigger pulse rate in relationship to applied voltage. The electron extraction process also prevents spark-ignition of the combustible gases traveling through the gas resonant cavity because electron build-up and potential sparking is prevented.
In an optical thermal lens assembly or thrust-nozzle, such as shown in FIG. 2C, destablized gas ions (electrically and mass unbalanced gas atoms having highly energized nuclei) can be pressurized during spark-ignition. During thermal interaction, the highly energized and unstable hydrogen gas nuclei collide with the highly energized and unstable oxygen gas nuclei and produce thermal explosive energy beyond the gas burning stage. Other ambient air gases and ions not otherwise consumed limit the thermal explosive process.
Variations of the process and apparatus may be evident to those skilled in the art.
USP 4,798,661 Gas Generator Voltage Control Circuit
Stanley Meyer
Abstract -- A power supply in a system utilizing as a source of fuel a generator for separating hydrogen and oxygen gasses from natural water and having the capabilities to control the production of gasses by varying the amplitude of the voltage and/or the pulse repetition rate of the voltage pulses applied to a pair of plate exciters in a vessel of natural water, comprising a sequence of circuitry operative to limit the current of a d.c. potential to a minimum value relative to the magnitude of the voltage applied to the plate exciters. The circuits each function up to a given magnitude of voltage to inhibit and curtail the flow of electrons from the plate exciter having the negative voltage potential applied thereto. The first circuit operative from a first magnitude of voltage comprises converting the voltage potential applied to the plate exciters to a unipolar pulse voltage d.c. of a repetitive frequency. The next circuit varies the duty cycle of the unipolar pulse voltage d.c.; followed by rearranging the application of the voltage to the exciters to individual exciters each having the voltage applied thereto independently of the other plate exciters in the generator. The next circuit comprises an electron inhibitor that prevents the flow of electrons; the circuit being in the terminal line between the negative plate exciter and ground. In those applications of the generator wherein excessively high voltage is to be applied to the plate exciters for a very high yield of gasses, a second electron inhibitor of a unique structure is serially connected with the first electron inhibiter. The second named inhibiter having a relatively fixed value and the first inhibiter connected in series is variable to fine tune the circuits to eliminate current flow.
The phenomena of physics was discovered that the hydrogen atoms in the water molecule will take on a positive charge whereas the oyxgen atom in the water molecule takes on a negative charge when the water molecule is exposed to an electrical voltage. The two hydrogen positive charged atoms and the one oxygen negative charged atoms, in magnitude, are in a state of equilibrium .
In my co-pending patent application, Ser. No. 302,807, now abandoned for Hydrogen Generator, the above noted principle of polarization is utilized. The simultaneous application of a positive voltage pulse to one plate exciter and a negative polarized voltage pulse to the other plate exciter in a vessel of natural water, will form polarized voltage electrical zones around the plates of a respective polarity. The positive voltage plate exciter zone attracts the negative charged atoms of the water molecule and the negative voltage plate exciter zone attracts the positive charged hydrogen atoms of the water molecule.
The opposing attractive forces causes the hydrogen and oxygen atoms to disassociate from the water molecule; and thereby, release the hydrogen and oxygen gasses. In that natural water is utilized in the generator and that natural water contains a considerable percentage of ambient air, ambient air gas will also be released similarly to the oxygen and hydrogen gasses from the water molecule.
The above described process is apparently not a chemical reaction process such as in Faraday's Laws. In that process electrolyte is added to distilled water to draw current. The reaction of the electrolyte with that of the corrosive electrodes releases the hydrogen and oxygen gasses.
Characteristically, Faraday's Laws requires:
"The rate of deomposition of an electrolyte is dependant on current and independant of voltage. xxx will depend on current regardless of voltage, provided the voltage exceeds a minimum for a potential."
In the voltage dependant/current restricted process of my co-pending patent application, the disassociation of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms from the water molecule, is attributed to the physical force attraction of the polarized zones adjacent the plate exciters on the charged hydrogen and oxygen atoms having a polarity opposite to that of the polarized zone.
This physical force is exemplified in my co-pending patent application, Ser. No. 422,594, filed Sept. 24, 1982, now abandoned for Hydrogen Generator Resonant Cavity, wherein the principle of physics that physical motion of an element between spatially positioned structures will resonate ifthe distance between the structures, in wavelengths, is matched to the frequency of the force causing the physical motion, is utilized in a practical and useful embodiment.
The d.c. voltage with current restricted, applied to the pair of plate exciters spatially positioned in a vessel of natural water, is pulsed. The pulsing voltage on the plate exciters applying a physical force is matched in repetition rate to the wavelength of the spacing of the plate exciters. The physical motion of the hydrogen and oxygen charged atoms being attracted to the opposite polarity zones will go into resonance. The self sustaining resonant motion of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms of the water molecule greatly enhances their disassociation from the water molecule.
In my co-pending patent application, Ser. No. 411,977, filed Aug. 25, 1982, for Controlled Hydrogen Gas Flame, the gasses separated from the water, the hydrogen and oxygen together with the ambient air non-combustible gasses, are mixed as they are released by the generator. The mixture of gasses are collected in a pressure chamber in the generator and thereafter expelled through a nozzle having a port configuration with openings dependant on the mixture of gasses. The nozzle is connected directly to the collection chamber and ignited.
The gas mixture has a reduced velocity and temperature of the burning flame from that which would occur solely with a hydrogen and oxygen mixture. To further control the flame, there is added to the mixture other non-combustible gasses in a controlled amount. Accordingly, the nozzle ports are related to the temperature and velocity of the flame. The several ports will accommodate flames of greater size without the danger of flashback or blowout such as would happen with a single flame.
This physical force is further demonstrated in the plate separation phenomena of the first aforementioned co-pending patent application. Simply, the closer the spacing between the plate exciters the greater the attractive force of the opposite polarity plate exciters on the charged hydrogen and oxygen atoms of the water molecule. With a given spacing, an increase in the magnitude of the voltage applied to the plate exciters will result in an increase in the rate of production of the gasses. With a voltage of a fixed amplitude a variation in the plate exciter spacing will affect the rate of production of the gasses. An increase in the spacing will result in less generation, whereas a decrease in the spacing of the plate exciters will result in an increase in gasses.
The electrical phenomena of a positive potential voltage applied to one plate exciter and the application of a negative voltage potential applied to another plate exciter positioned in a vessel of water, may now be considered.
Distilled water, like air, having no conductive meduim, will inherently inhibit electron leakage. The magnitude of the applied voltage to the pair of plate exciters is correlated with the physical force on the electron movement. The magnitude of the initial force and the magnitude of the force to leak the electrons, and thereafter cause current flow, may be calculated or more readily empirically determined.
A small amplitude negative voltage applied to the negative plate exciter, will cause a physical disturbance to the movement of the floating electrons. However, the small amplitude voltage is insufficient to cause the electrons to leak and enter the attractive field force area of the positive plate. As the magnitude of the applied voltage is increased, the disturbance to the movement of the electrons is increased. With a further increase in the amplitude of the voltage applied to the plate exciters -- to a limiting level, the resistance of the meduim to the attractive force of the opposite polarity exciter plate on the electron leakage will be overcome.
As the electron leakage enhances, the flow of the electrons to the positive plate exciter gradually increases as they enter the attractive field of the positive plate. Upon attaining a heavy flow of electrons reaching the positive plate attractive area, arcing will occur. An electrical arc is formed between the two plate exciters. When this occurs a direct short conductive flow of current will flow across the plates.
The electrical arc between the pair of plate exciters will form a direct line of conductivity; current will flow unrestricted. Upon the electron leakage attaining a direct short, the current is at a maximum. The voltage being subjected to the current takeover decreases gradually upon initial electron leakage and thereafter drops as the flow of electrons increases. When the electron leakage arcs over to the positive potential plate exciter, the voltage will drop to zero.
As stated above, the spacing between the pair of plate exciters in a vessel of water having a d.c. voltage applied, is correlated with the gas production rate. The closer the spacing between the pair of plate exciters, the greater the yield of gas generated. If the spacing of the pair of plate exciters is altered to a minimum spacing level, the attractive force of the positive polarity plate will overcome the resistance of the water meduim. Electron leakage will occur and from gradually to rapidly increase until arcing between the pair of plate exciters forms a direct path and consequently a direct short.
The distance between the plates and the amplitude of the voltage applied, each independantly affect the other. The two variable factors are interrelated; the one being variable relative to the other. The spacing being inversely proportional to the amplitude of the voltage.
In the utilization of a generator for the separation of the hydrogen and oxygen gasses from water; and the production of the gasses is varied by varying the amplitude of the voltage and/or the pulse rate--duty cycle of the pulsed d.c. voltage applied to the plate exciters in a vessel of water.
The present invention comprises a power supply with the applied voltage to the pair of plate exciters variable from zero upward to extremely high voltages; but yet, that inhibits the electron leakage.
The power supply of the present invention includes circuitry for an increased production of the generation of the gasses through varying the amplitude of the voltage applied to the plate exciters. The circuitry includes means and components for restriction of the electron leakage (current flow).
The applied voltage to the pair of plate exciters is a unipolar pulse d.c. voltage of a repetitive frequency. Alternate power circuitry is utilized. In the first embodiment the input voltage is alternating current fed to a bridge rectifier; whereas in the second preferred embodiment, the input voltage is direct current applied to the primary of a rotating field secondary winding.
With a very low level of amplitude of the voltage applied to the plate exciters, no electron leakage from the negative potential plate exciter to the positive potential attractive field will occur. An amplitude of the voltage above a first forceful level will cause electron leakage. The circuitry of the invention overcomes the electron leakage with the application to the plate exciters the aforesaid pulsed d.c. voltage.
An increase in amplitude of the applied voltage above a second level, will result in electron leakage.
To obtain additional gas production without electron leakage, circuitry in the power supply prevents electron leakage by varying the duty cycle of the pulsed d.c.voltage applied to the plate exciters. The varying levels of amplitude of the duty cycle pulses effectively restrains the electrons from the B+ attractive field.
The pulsating d.c. voltage and the duty cycle pulses have a maximum amplitude of the level that would cause electron leakage. Varying of the amplitude to an amplitude of maximum level to an amplitude below the maximum level of the pulses, provide an average amplitude below the maximum limit; but with the force of the maximum limit.
In most instances of a practical application of the hydrogen and oxygen generator the pair of plate exciters will be several pairs connected in parallel. There will be one terminal to the positive voltage and another terminal to the negative voltage. A further expediency to eliminate electron leakage is attained by eliminating the large surface area probability of stray electrons.
It is noted that the first two circuit components and the multiple connections for restricing electron leakage relates to the plate exciter having the negative voltage applied thereto. That is the circuitry overcomes the attractive force of the B+ potential field. Additional circuitry is provided for very high yield gas production above the aforesaid upper limits, in the negative applied voltage plate exciter.
A circuit is included in the negative plate exciter that practicaly eliminates electron flow; that is, the electrons are prevented from reaching the negative plate exciter and thereby eliminating the affect of the attractive force of the B+ field. A current limiting resister connected between the negative plate exciter and ground, prevents current flow--electron leakage to the the opposite polarity field.
The circuit comprises a limiter resistor connected between the negative plate and ground that blocks current flow--electron leakage to the negative plate. The practical elimination of the current has no affect on the voltage, in the preferred embodiment, since there is no voltage drop.
In a sophisticated embodiment, the limiting resistor comprises a unique structure of poorly conductive material having a resistive mixture sandwiched therebetween. A second resistor of the variable type is serially connected to the unique limiter for tuning. The value of the limiting resistance is determined by the current passing therethrough. The variable is employed until the ammeter reads zero or close to zero as possible.
The sandwich type limiter is varied in value by controlling the mixture of resistive material to binder.
The circuitry and expedients to inhibit the electron leakage at all levels of the magnitude of the voltage applied to the plate exciters is a sequence of steps and functions operable from predetermined circuit components. The order of the circuit functions is set and preferably not altered; however, each of the specific variables can be varied independantly and varied with interrelated function to the other.
The phenomena that the spacing between two objects is related to the wavelength of a physical motion between the two objects is utilized herein. A relatively small increase in amplitude will yield an output several magnitudes greater when the motion of the water molecule is moving to and fro with a repetition rate to match the resonant length of the spacing between the pair of exciters.
It is a principle object of the present invention to provide:
a power supply for a hydrogen and oxygen gas generator wherein varying the voltage amplitude varies the rate of generation of the gasses generated.
such a power supply that includes circuitry to permit voltage to be varied in amplitude with current restrict to a minimum relative to the amplitude of the voltage.
such a power supply for a hydrogen and oxygen generator wherein the electron leakage between the plate exciters is inhibited.
a power supply for a hydrogen and oxygen generator including circuitry for a unipolar pulse d.c. voltage of a repetitive frequency from either an alternating or a direct current input.
a power supply having varying levels of voltage indicative of varing levels of gas generation that is programmable with a utilitarian device, particularly, when the generator has exciters spaced a distance in wavelength matched by the voltage pulse frequency.
FIG. 1 is an overall illustration of the present invention in a preferred embodiment; the components shown partly in block schematic and partly pictorially.









The alternating current rectifier circuit 10 comprises input alternating current terminals 12 and 14. Switch 13 is a typical on/off switch. Transformer 10 is an inductive primary and secondary transformer connected to a bridge rectifier 15. The inductive field 11 of the transformer 10 is variable in a known manner to yield a variable frequency alternating voltage/current to the primary winding. The bridge 15 arms are connected across the input of the secondary winding of the transformer 10. The upper and lower arms are connected across the extreme ends of the secondary winding and the left hand arm is connected to the output of the rectifier 15. The right arm is connected to ground 20. The rectifier inverts the negative swing of the alternatng current and thereby results in an output voltage pulse of a frequency twice that of the input frequency of the alternating current voltage applied to the terminals 12 and 14.
It is appreciated that if the alternating current voltage is varied in frequency by the variable inductive field 11, the output frequency across the bridge 15 will still be twice the frequency of the alternating voltage across the secondary of the transformer secondary winding 10.
The power supply of FIG. 1 includes a variable circuit 30 for varying the amplitude of the rectified voltage by rectifier 15. The variable voltage circuit , in turn, is directly controlled by the gas rate function separately, sequential, and together with the phenomena of a reseonant cavity.
The waveform output of the bridge is shown as a unipolar d.c. voltage pulse of a repetitive frequency. It is noted that the pulse voltage is not filtered and the plate effect is utilized.
As stated, a voltage with an amplitude below the minimum level for example, with a given size apparatus, 2.5 volts (L-1 of FIG. 8) when applied to the pair of plate exciters, is insufficient amplitude to force the electrons to leak from the negative plate exciter.
The hydrogen and oxygen gasses will be separated from the water at the low level of voltage amplitude; and the gasses generated will also be at the minimum.
Above the minimum level (L-1 of FIG. 8) of amplitude, the applied voltage will have a sufficient force to agitate and cause movement of the electrons around the negative plate exciter. As a consequence electron leakage would take place.
To overcome the forceful effect on the electrons around the negative plate exciter, but apply a voltage of increased amplitude for an increase in gas production, the first step in a sequence is utilized. The pulsed d.c. voltage having a frequency predetermined by the input alternating current to the transformer 10, is applied to the plate exciter.
The maximum amplitude of the d.c. voltage pulse is sufficient to cause an increase in gas production; however, the minimum amplitude of the pulsed d.c. voltage is insufficient to cause electron leakage. The average of the maximum and the minimum results in an increase gas output but without electron leakage.
The physical force on the movement of the electrons around the negative plate exciter is further controlled in specific situations by varying the frequency of the pulsed d.c. voltage. The frequency of the pulsed d.c. voltage may be altered by an alternating current of another frequency applied to the input terminals 12 and 14. Alternatively, the frequency of the pulsed d.c. voltage may be varied as shown by the variable transformer 10 winding 11.
With reference to FIG. 3, the unipolar pulsed d.c. voltage of a constant frequency is illustrated. In the first mentioned variation of the amplitude of the pulsed voltage, there is further shown in FIG. 3 voltage levels from OV, Va xxx Vn. As noted below a variation of amplitude above the predetermined levels will permit electron leakage.
Refering to FIG. 8, there is illustrated an appreciation of the significance of electron leakage. Initially it is to be noted that the first amplitude level, L-1, is when electron leakage occurs. Prior to leakage, voltage V.sub.1 increases on demand. At the level L-1, when leakage occurs, current begins to flow and as a consequence the voltage V.sub.2 begins to drop. The current flow increase is proportional to the voltage decrease; and upon arcing, a dead short condition for current takeover, the voltage V.sub.2 drops to zero.
The same rise and fall in amplitude of the voltage versus current flow repeats at amplitude levels L-2. L-3, L-4, and L-5; again, in a given size apparatus, voltages of 4, 5.5, 7, and 8.5.
It is seen then, that it is paramount that electron leakage must be curtailed when the operation of the system is dependant on voltage, such as the generator utilized herein.
Returning to the overall circuit of FIG. 1, the unipolar pulsating d.c. voltage is an improvement in raising the amplitude of the voltage without electron leakage. Unfortunately, it too, has a voltage amplitude limit of 4.0 volts as shown by L-2 of FIG. 8.
To further restrict current flow with amplitude voltages above the level L-2 of FIG. 8, electron leakage is inhibited from the exciter plate having the negative voltage applied thereto, by varying the duty cycle pulse of the pulsed d.c. voltages as shown FIGS. 2, 3, and 8. In an initial application the pulsed d.c. voltage is switched on and off for equal periods of time.
With reference again to FIG. 1, the variable pulsing circuit comprises an electronic switch SCR 28 operable from one state to another form the optocoupler timing circuit 26. The operation and of the pulsing of a voltage is within the state of the art.
Diode 29, a blocking diode, is operable in the accepted manner to eliminate stray electrons, shorts, variances, spurious signals, and the like. In addition the diode 29 blocks the back-electromagnetic force.
The pulsing of the pulsed d.c. voltage, as shown by the waveform of FIG. 2, comprises switching, via trigger circuit 26, the pulsed d.c. voltage on an off--in a first instance. As will be understood below relative to the programming circuit of FIG. 6, the time period of the pulses may be varied periodically or aperiodically, the duration of the on/off period may be varied, the gradient level of the on/off pulses may be varied, and all of the above may be interrelated into a sequence of duty pulses with the varying conditions all as shown in FIGS. 4, 4A, 4B, and 4C.
The duty pulses are effective much in the same manner as the pulsed d.c. voltage pulses in the function of inhibiting electron leakage. The "second" series of force on the electrons around the plate exciter, having the negative potential voltage applied, in terms of voltage amplitude is greater. However, the greater amplitude is averaged by the double pulses to an effective voltage of an amplitude to inhibit electron leakage.
As previously stated, the voltage pulses applied to the plate exciters further enhance the rate of generation of the gasses. Accordingly, to achieve the most effective relationship between gas generation and current limiting, the voltage amplitude is interrelated to the pulse repetition rate of the duty pulses in FIG. 1. Also, the rate of production is related to the frequency of the unipolar d.c. voltage, the frequency then should be interrelated to the duty cycle pulses.
With continued reference to FIG. 1, mechanical switch 40 is a known means for applying the voltages to the plate exciters individually and sequentialy. The negative plate exciter is the center conductor of an inner and outer arrangement. The negative plate exciter is connected to ground 20; ground 20 being the power supply ground.
The dual pulses comprised of the freqeuncy repetitive pulses and the duty cycle pulses similarly to the previous configuration. The amplitude is effective to increase the output gas generation with an upper limit of 5.5 volts, in this instance L-3 of FIG. 8.
In a typical configuration of the hydrogen generator of the aforementioned co-pending application, the plate exciters will comprise a plurality of pairs. In the previous configurations the positive voltage was applied in parallel to all the inner plates; whereas the negative voltage was applied to all of the inner plate exciters in parallel. It has been found that an increased surface between the inner and the outer plates will increase the probability of an electron breaking free and leaking to the attractive field of the positive voltage plate. The surface leakage has been eliminated by applying separately and individually the positive voltage to each of the outer plate exciters and the negative voltage to each of the inner plate exciters.
With reference to FIG. 8 again, it is seen that although the serially connected exciter plates do permit a higher amplitude of voltage to be applied, it too, has a limitation L-4 of 7 volts.
The next expediency in the sequence for inhibiting electron leakage is the current inhibitor resister 60 as shown in FIGS. 1 and 5. The circuit 60 comprises a simple resistor of the commercial type or specially made for the particular application. The resistor is variable to provide fine tuning of the electron inhibiting. In that the each pair of plate exciters are connected separately, a resistor 60a xxx 60n is connected to each of the plates having the negative voltage connected therto. In this embodiment the inner plate of the exciters 50a xxx 50n. In that the inner plate had been normally connected to ground, the resistive element is now connected between the inner plate and ground.
As known in electrical art the resistor will provide a complete block to electron leakage--current flow. However, since the resistor 60 is connected from ground-to-ground there is no real affect on the voltage; and since there is no connection with the positive side there is no voltage drop.
The electron leakage resistor will again raise the upper limit of 8.5 volts amplitude before breakdown as shown at L-5 of FIG. 8. In the generation of the hydrogen and oxygen gasses to an infinite limit, as yet not fully appreciated, the upper level of amplitude of the voltage is removed with the utilization of the electron inhibitor of FIG. 7.
In this embodiment of the current inhibitor connected to the inner plate having the negative voltage applied thereto, comprises a stainless steel sandwich 70/74 with a resistive material therebetween. The stainless steel is a poor conductive material and hence will restrict to some extent the electron flow. Other poor conductive material may be utilized in lieu of the stainless steel. The electron inhibitor 70/74 is connected in the same manner as resistor 60--between the inner plate having the negative potential connected to it and ground.
The resistive value of the electron inhibitor 70/74 is chosen empirically to a closest value, thereafter the total value of the resistance is fine tuned by the resistor 75 connected serially between the inner plate and ground.
To alter the resistive value of the electron inhibitor 70/74, the resistive material 72 comprising a mixture with a binder is altered in the percentage of resistive material to binder.
With reference to FIGS. 1 and 8, the pulse d.c. voltage of a repetitive frequency and the duty cycle pulses, together with the serially connected plate exciter techniques in the sequence for limiting the electron leakage is in relation to the positive exciter outer plate. The current inhibitor resistor 60 and the current inhibitor resistor 70/74 are in the negative voltage line connected to the inner plate.
With particular reference now to FIG. 5, there is illustrated an alternative embodiment for derivint the unipolar d.c. voltage pulse of a repetitive frequency -- similar to that of FIG. 1. The distinction in the embodiment of FIG. 5 is that the input voltage is a direct current in contrast to the alternating current of FIG. 1.
In operation of the circuit of FIG. 5, a low voltage, such as from a battery, is applied to the primary winding to the circuit of a rotating field. The primary winding 42 being the rotating field has it opposite end connected to ground. As the field of the primary winding 42 rotates, there is induced three pulses at the output of each of the three secondary windings 46a 46b, and 46c.
The repetition of the triple pulse is once per each revolution; hence the number of pulses per given period of time is related to the speed of rotation of the rotating field. A faster rotation will produce a greater voltage frequency. An increase in the number of secondary windings will result in an appropriate increase in the number of pulses; whereas an increase in the number of turns on the secondary windings will increase the amplitude of the pulses. The alternating voltage output of the three secondary windings is converted into pulses by the conventional diode rectifiers 65/67 bridge circuit for each of the separate pairs of exciter plates 50a-50n. In this way a constant unipolar pulsating d.c. voltage of a repetitive frequency similar to that of FIG. 3 is applied to each of the exciter plates 50a xxx 50n. The output is similar to that derived from the alternating voltage input of FIG. 1. The d.c. voltage is a constant voltage pulse.
Again similar to FIG. 1, there is provided a timed pulsing circuit comprised of a timer 17, switch 19, and transistor 18. Initially, the d.c. pulse voltage is switched on and off, to provide a constant share time duty cycle to the primary winding 42 of the rotating field. In the off period there will be no voltage on the primary winding 42, and hence, no voltage output on the secondary winding 46.
The circuit of FIG. 5 is especially economical in that extremely low amplitude voltages (0-5 volts) is applied to the primary 42. At this low level, the current is negligible and power consumption is minimum. The output voltages from the secondary windings 46 is relatively high and is in the order of two hundred volts. The output voltages from the secondary windings 46 are variable in amplitude by the resistor 16 in the input circuit. A very small increment of input voltage results in a much greater output.
The sequence of circuitry of the pulsed d.c. voltage, duty cycle pulses, serially connected exciters, resistor in the ground line, and the plate resistor are each, and together, effective to eliminate electron leakage. The conditions set forth, in each instance were under actual conditions--with distilled water.
In the basic process of water separation as herein utilized, the hydrogen and oxygen gasses are separated by the application of a voltage to the plate exciters with the attendant current as close to zero as possible. Accordingly, the use of natural water having contaminents is equally operable; the contaminents will have no affect upon the separation of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms from the water molecule; nor will the contaminents have an affect on the plate exciters such as fouling up.
With the use of certain natural waters particularly sea water with a salt content or natural water with an iron or other mineral content, the natural water would have a tendancy to draw current. The passing of current as set forth above, would cause the voltage to drop and basically would curtail the operation of the generator.
The resistor 60 of FIGS. 1 and 5, connected between the exciter plate having the negative voltage applied thereto and ground is an effective current limiter/electron inhibiter. In simple terms the restriction to current flow to the negative plate is a restriction to the flow of current between the pair of plate exciters. There can be no electron leakage from the negative potential plate exciter if there are no electrons to leak.
The resistor 60 of FIGS. 1 and 5, and especially when taken together with the resistive plate structure of FIG. 7, current is eliminated from the plate exciters.
In FIG. 1 there is illustrated an alternative manner of varying the rate of separation of the hydrogen and oxygen gasses from water. As fully disclosed and described in the aforesaid copending application Ser. No. 302,807, the spacing between the plate exciters in water is directly related to the rate of separation of the hydrogen and oxygen gasses.
The plate exciters 82 and 83 positioned in water 61 are varied in spacing by the rack 80 and gear 81. The variations can be manually or through the programmer 69 for predetermined gas rate generation. The programmer actuates line 37 to the motor 33 to drive the gear 81.
The closer the spacing the greater the gas yield, i.e., the attractive force of the electrical voltage zones is related to spacing. However as noted above, the closer the spacing the greater the probability of spurious electron leakage. It is appreciated the optimum is the closest spacing for gas generation with a minimum of current leakage.
The pulsed d.c. voltage, the duty cycle pulses, the resistor from negative to ground, the serial connections of the exciters, and the plate resistor in series with a variable resistor between the negative plate and ground, is a sequence of circuits that conteract the electron leakage with increased voltage. Similarly, the same sequence individually and in combination are equally applicable with respect to the variation of plate spacing to vary the rate of generation of the gasses but yet, to restrict electron leakage. The voltage levels from 0 volts upward will be dependant on the physical parameters of the apparatus. In one typical structure of the apparatus the voltage was varied from zero (0) volts to 45 volts. In a smaller structure, the voltage levels of FIG. 8 were utilized.
With reference again to FIGS. 2, 3, 4, 4A, 4B, 4C, and 4D, the waveforms illustrated therein depict the several variations of the pulsed d.c. voltage relative to the duty cycle pulses. Initially, each of the two set of pulses are varied individually. The on/off time of the two sets of pulses in a first instance is uniform. Then the timing of one or the other is varied; the gradient levels of the voltages are varied periodically and a periodically, pulse duration is varied equally and unequally.
To attain the optimum gas generation with minimum electron leakage, is determined empirically with a gas flow meter and an ammeter. The variables are interrelated but not necessarily having the effect on either gas production or electron leakage. Practical training reduces the tune-up period.
In FIG. 6, there is illustrated the resonate cavity of my aforesaid co-pending patent application Ser. No. 422,594. The resonant cavity described and disclosed therein, is a result of the discovery that when the distance between two stationary bodies is equal in wavelength to the frequency of the movement of an object going back and forth therebetween, the movement of the object will go into resonance. The motion is greatly enhanced and with a repetitive sustained force. The principle applied to the hydrogen and oxygen gas generator of the present invention results in the movement of the water molecules and the atoms to an attractive field will be greatly enhanced when the frequency of the back and forth movement is matched to the wavelength of the distance between the pair of plate exciters.
The amplitude is increased to the minimum for resonance. The voltage amplitude thereafter is maintained at the minimum and raised from the minimum for an increase in gas generation. The minimum is the lower gradient level illustrated in the waveforms of the figures. Since resonance is a matter of matching a physical distance with frequency of the back and forth motion over that distance, matching the particular frequency to the particular wavelength, can be with either d.c. voltage pulses or the duty cycle pulses.
The resonant cavity is depicted in FIG. 4 pictorially. It is understood that the exciter plates 50a-50n of FIG. 1 become resonant cavities by matching the distance between the exciters to a pulse frequency of the same wavelength.
In FIG. 4 and 4C, the duty cycle pulses are matched in pulse repetition rate to the plate distance. In FIG. 4A and 4B, the frequency of the pulsed d.c. voltage is matched to the distance in wavelengths of the plate exciters. With the frequency of one of the set of pulses matched to the resonant wavelength, the frequency of the other set of pulses is varied to further control the electron leakage and/or to vary the rate of generation of the gasses.
Referring again to FIG. 6, attention is directed to the resonant cavity depicted therein pictorially. The resonant cavity would be the plate exciter of FIG. 1 or any other plate exciter wherein the frequency of the pulses of the applied voltage is matched in wavelength to the distance between the exciter plates
The SCR diode is a duty cycle pulse former much in the same manner as the pulse former 27 of FIG. 1. The SCR diode 90 is operational in a conventional manner and the diode 91 is a conventional blocking diode. The operation and function of the resonant cavity is much in the same manner as that of FIG. 1 plate exciters 50a-50n.
In a Hydrogen Resonant Cavity Furnace, the pulse repetition rate is matched to the wavelength distance between the two exciter plates to maximize the rate of generation to voltage amplitude. The flame is pulsed form a first gradient level to a lower gradient level--but not off. The lower gradient level is sufficient to maintain at all times the amplitude to sustain resonance.
The waveform is shown in FIG. 4. The lower level amplitude Va is not OV the zero level; the amplitude level Va is sufficient to maintain resonance with a matched repetition rate of the duty cycle pulses.
In FIG. 6, the programmable switch circuit 79 is for variable inputs to a utilitarian device, such as the aforesaid furnace or the automobile hydrogen engine disclosed and claimed in my co-pending patent application Ser. No. 478,207. In the practical working embodiments the demand may be for hot water, heat, singly or together; and in the automobile the rate of acceleration; or simply the control of the flame size.
The increments of heat, acceleration, or flame size are controlled by the triacs 91, 92, 93, and 94, connected across the secondary winding and to taps on the secondary winding of the input transformer.
Synchronized with the voltage level control of the switching of the duty cycle pulse, is variable pulse circuit 97. The switch 95 provides the demand control to be programmed, that is, the voltage amplitude and the duty cycle pulses. The SCR switching circuit 90 converts the d.c. voltage pulse output of the rectifier 15 to duty pulses. The duty cycle pulse being variable in pulse repetition rate to match the distance in wavelength of the spacing of the plate exciters 86 and 87. Diode 98 is a blocking diode.
Although certain and specific embodiments have been shown the invention is not to be limited thereto. Significantly, the relatively small increase in voltage for a very appreciable gas generation upon resonance has extended applications to other uses of the hydrogen and oxygen gas generator. The control of the electron leakage is especially applicable to systems and processes wherein the potential is voltage dependant with no or little current.
US Patent # 4,465,455 Start-up/Shut-down for a Hydrogen Gas Burner
Stanley Meyer
(August 14, 1984 )
Abstract -- System for flame start-up/shut-down for a hydrogen gas mixture burner. An electrical probe igniter positioned adjacent the gas port outlet. On demand the igniter is actuated to heat and electrically heat a thermal switch. Responsive electronic controls actuate the appropriate valves and circuits for operational start-up. Upon the ignition of the generated hydrogen gas mixture, a second thermal probe is heated by the flame to deactivate the ignition and start-up circuits. After demand the second thermal probe cools and the circuit is restored for start-up again. A safety probe positioned in the flame is quiescent. In the event of demand time shut-down, the safety probe will activate the circuits for restart. If failure to start-up continues for a predetermined time, the safety probe circuit will effect permanent shut-down.
Inventors: Stanley A. Meyer (3792 Broadway Blvd., Grove City, OH 43123)
Appl. No.: 422875
Filed: September 24, 1982
Current U.S. Class: 431/27; 431/66; 431/70; 431/78
Intern'l Class: F23N 005/00
Field of Search: 431/27,46,66,67,69-71,72,74,78-80 123/3,1 A,DIG. 12 204/129
References Cited
U.S. Patent Documents
USP # 2,954,080 Sep., 1960 Prouty et al. 431/67.
3,086,583 Apr., 1963 Rerchow 431/46.
3,980,053 Sep., 1976 Horvath 123/3.
4,056,348 Nov., 1977 Wolfe 431/66.
In the non-electrolysis process disclosed and claimed in my co-pending patent application, Ser. No. 302,807, Filed: Sept. 16, 1981, For:HYDROGEN GENERATOR SYSTEM, for separating hydrogen and oxygen atoms from water, water is passed between two plates of similar non-oxidizing metal. The one plate has placed thereon a positive potential and the other a negative potential from a very low-direct-current power source. The sub-atomic action of the direct current voltage causes the hydrogen and oxygen atoms to be separated. The contaminants in the water are forced also to disassociate itself and may be collected or utilized and disposed of. This in turn lends the process to recombining the hydrogen and oxygen into pure water.
The direct current voltage applied to the plates is non-regulated and non-filtered. The direct current acts as a static force on the water molecules; whereas the rippling direct current voltage acts as a dynamic force. Pulsating the direct current further acts as a dynamic force and enhances considerably the splitting of the atoms from the water molecules. An increase in voltage potential further increases the hydrogen output. Certain plate arrangements and configurations with graphical illustration or relative efficiency are disclosed.
In my co-pending patent application, Ser. No. 422,495, Filed: Sept. 24, 1982, For: PERIODIC FLUSH SYSTEM FOR NON-ELECTROLYSIS HYDROGEN GENERATOR, there is disclosed control apparatus and electrical circuitry for periodically shutting down the hydrogen generator for flushing out the accumulated contamianats. The shut-down is in a sequential step-by-step operation. After the flushing is complete, the hydrogen generator is started up and, again, in a sequential step-by-step operation. Although the functions are numerous, the most critical is the opening and closing of the gas valves, and the switching on and off of the electrical circuitry to the exciter elements.
Heating and air environmental systems of the prior art have included sensing systems for flame-out, power loss or the like. These systems do provide some form of shut-down upon occurrence of a malfunction.
However, the prior art systems are either of gas, oil, or electrical. Although a gas or oil furnace will utilize electrical circuitry for a blower, the energy, whether gas, oil, or electric, is supplied either by a utility or in bulk. None of the prior art systems generate the energy that is used in the heating or air control system. Accordingly, no monitoring systems for the generator systems are known in the prior art, that are applicable heating or air control systems.
The present invention in its preferred embodiment provides a monitoring system and a start-up/shut-down circuitry and apparatus for a hydrogen gas burner. The system is distinctive in that the hydrogen generator is a demand system; that is, hydrogen gas is generated only when the thermostat (or other gauge) dictates the energy is needed. Accordingly, the start-up is the start-up of the energy generating system and thereafter starting the igniter to ignite the hydrogen gas mixture. Further, although the prior systems start-up on demand; none have a need for periodic shut-down.
The present invention is a start-up/shut-down system for an energy generator and for the utilization of the energy generated. The function in addition to demand is periodic. Then, again, the same procedure is followed upon the occurrence of malfunction.
The apparatus comprises an igniter in the flame path that upon actuation heats a thermal probe that controls the electrical/electronic circuitry for opening and closing the various controls and switches. Another probe deactivates the ignition and start-up upon completing the function. A safety probe positioned in the flame path is time controlled to start-up in the occurrence of a flame-out, if failure occurs in the attempt to retract within a given period of time the entire system is shut-down.
It is a principal object of the present invention to provide a monitoring and control system for start-up and shut-down of an energy generator system.
Another object of the present invention is to provide such a control system that is operable upon demand, periodically operable, and operable upon occurrence of a malfunction.
A further object of the invention is for a monitoring and control system that distinguishes between an accidental flame-out and a flame-out caused by malfunction of the system.
A further object of the invention is for a monitoring and control system that provides a restart function upon accidental flame-out.
Other objects and features of the present invention will become apparent from the following detailed description when taken in conjunction with the drawings in which:
FIG. 1 schematically depicts a preferred embodiment of the invention of a hydrogen gas mixture burner incorporating the features of the invention.


Referring to FIG. 1, together with FIG. 2, the preferred embodiment of the present invention may now be described. The thermal probe switch 20, before start-up, is in a normally closed position. Upon the demand for energy, dictated by the thermostat 10 control, the relay 22 is closed, applying electrical power from source 25 to the electrical spark igniter 30 through the closed thermal probe 20. Upon the spark igniter 30 attaining the appropriate temperature, the radiant heat from coil 35 heats the thermal probe 40.
As the thermal probe 40 heats, the normally open switch 45 closes and in turn actuates the electrical control circuit 50. The control circuit 50 closes the circuit to apply electrical power to the exciters 60 in the non-electrolysis hydrogen generator 105.
In sequence, and upon attaining appropriate pressure from the gasses generated as indicated by pressure valve in the hydrogen generator 105, also illustrated in FIG. 2 in dotted line block, the gas outlet valve 70 is opened, permitting gas to be expelled through a nozzle assembly 80.
Upon the gas making contact with the heated electrical spark igniter 30, the hydrogen gas mixture, expelled from the controlled port opening in nozzle assembly 80 is ignited into a continuous extremely high temperature flame 90.
The thermal probe 95 immediately begins to heat and after attaining the predetermined temperature the fan assembly 75 is actuated by the closure of relay 85.
The flame 90 having been ignited and burning, causes the thermal probe 20 to become heated and thereby opening its relay 15. In turn, the voltage applied to the electrical spark igniter 30 is terminated by the open relay 15.
Upon the demand from the thermostat 10 being reached the relay 22 is opened thereby cutting off the voltage 25 to the thermal probe switch 20. Sequentially the electrical control circuit 50 opens the circuit providing voltage to the exciters 60; thereby shutting gas outlet valve 70 to terminate the flame 90. Thereafter the circuit is ready for start-up again upon demand from the thermostat 10, as aforesaid.
A safety probe 120 is also positioned in the flame 90. During operation of the system under demand from the thermostat control 10, the probe 120 will remain heated. In this condition the attendant relay 130 is inoperative. If for some reason the flame 90 should be extinguished during the demand period the safety probe 120 will quickly cool and in sequence the attendant relay 130 will open. Relay 130 connected to relay 22 in the power circuit will act in place of the demand thermostat 10, that is, the relay 130 will override the demand thermostat 10. The circuits and functions will follow as above-described for start-up in the event the flame-out was accidental.
The safety control system further includes a timer circuit and thermostat 125 that will permit the probe 120 to attain its temperature within a given period of time. If the probe 120 does not attain its temperature the same start-up procedure will follow again, within a given period of time. The timer 125 is so set that unless the probe 120 attains the appropriate temperature within the given period of time the entire circuitry is shut down permanently. This denotes a major failure in the system and not a simple flame-out.
Finally, in the unlikely event of pressure build-up upon malfunction, there is provided a safety relief valve 140.
USP 4,421,474
Hydrogen Gas Burner
Stan Meyer
A hydrogen gas burner for the mixture of hydrogen gas with ambient air and non-combustible gasses. The mixture of gasses when ignited provides a flame of extremely high, but controlled intensity and temperature. The structure comprises a housing and a hydrogen gas inlet directed to a combustion chamber positioned within the housing. Ambient air intake ports are provided for adding ambient air to the combustion chamber for ignition of the hydrogen gas by an ignitor therein. At the other end of the housing there is positioned adjacent to the outlet of the burner (flame) a barrier/heating element. The heating element uniformly disperses the flame and in turn absorbs the heat. The opposite side to the flame, the heating element uniformly disperses the extremely hot air. A non-combustible gas trap adjacent to the heating element captures a small portion of the non-combustible gas (burned air). A return line from the trap returns the captured non-combustible gas in a controlled ratio to the burning chamber for mixture with the hydrogen gas and the ambient air.
The hydrogen/oxygen generator utilized in the present invention is that disclosed and claimed in my co-pending patent application, Ser. No.: 302,807, filed: Sept. 16, 1981, for: HYDROGEN GENERATOR SYSTEM. In that process for separating hydrogen and oxygen atoms from water having impurities, the water is passed between two plates of similar non-oxidizing metal. No electrolyte is added to the water. The one plate has placed thereon a positive potential and the other a negative potential from a very low amperage direct-current power source. The sub-atomic action of the direct current voltage on the non-electrolytic water causes the hydrogen and oxygen atoms to be separated--and similarly other gasses entrapped in the water such as nitrogen. The contaminents in the water that are not released are forced to disassociate themselves and may be collected or utilized and disposed of in a known manner.
The direct current acts as a static force on the water molecules; whereas the non-regulated rippling direct current acts as a dynamic force. Pulsating the direct current further enhances the release of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms from the water molecules.
In my co-pending patent application, Ser. No.: 262,744, filed: May 11, 1981, for: HYDROGEN AIRATION PROCESSOR, there is disclosed and claimed the utilization of the hydrogen/oxygen gas generator. In that system, the burn rate of the hydrogen gas is controlled by the controlled addition of non-combustible gasses to the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gasses.
The electrolysis process for generating hydrogen and oxygen gas is well known in the art. It is, of course, further understood with a proper mixture of oxygen gas, the hydrogen gas is combustible and under ideal conditions a flame, may be had. Reference is made to U.S. Pat. No. 4,184,931. However, in that the burning velocity of hydrogen is 265-325 cm./sec. versus 37-45 cm./sec. of that of gasoline, the velocity of hydrogen is so great that the hydrogen ensuing from a nozzle will not under ordinary circumstances sustain a flame.
Therefore, to sustain a flame at a nozzle attached to a hydrogen generator the burning velocity of the hydrogen gas must be reduced.
It has been found that all water in its natural state whether it be tap water, well water, sea water, or fresh water is a saturate of ambient air. Further, in that ambient air contains a substantial amount of nitrogen, all natural water will have entrapped therein nitrogen. Again, the percentage of nitrogen entrapped in natural water has been determined to be a fixed percentage and very uniform at seventeen (17%) percent -- irrespective of the source of the water or its impurities. Hence, a natural water gas analysis will show a seventeen percent of nitrogen relative to the hydrogen and the oxygen.
The nozzle connected to the collection chamber via an appropriate line, has a port opening of a controlled size and configuration, related to the size of the flame and the temperature and velocity of the burning gas mixture. To maintain the flame, that is to prevent blowout, additional nozzles are included when the overall flame size is to be increased.
The present invention is for a hydrogen gas burner and comprises a combustion chamber for the mixture of hydrogen gas, ambient air, and non-combustible gasses. The mixture of gasses is ignited and burns at a retarded velocity rate and temperature from that of hydrogen gas, but at a higher temperature rate than other gasses.
The extremely narrow hydrogen gas mixture flame of very high temperature is restricted from the utilization means by a heat absorbing barrier. The flame strikes the barrier which in turn disperses the flame and absorbs the heat therefrom and thereafter radiates the heat as extremely hot air into the utilization means.
Positioned on the opposite side of the heat radiator/barrier is a hot air trap. A small portion of the radiated heat is captured and returned to the combustion chamber as non-combustible gasses. Valve means in the return line regulates the return of the non-combustible gas in a controlled amount to control the mixture.
The present invention is principally intended for use with the hydrogen generator of my co-pending patent application, supra; but it is not to be so limited and may be utilized with any other source of hydrogen gas.
It is accordingly a principal object of the present application to provide a hydrogen gas burner that has a temperature controlled flame and a heat radiator/barrier.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a hydrogen gas burner that is capable of utilizing the heat from a confined high temperature flame.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a hydrogen gas burner that is retarded from that of hydrogen gas, but above that of other gasses.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a hydrogen gas burner that utilizes the exhaust air as non-combustible gas for mixture with the hydrogen gas.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a hydrogen gas burner that is simple but rugged and most importantly safe for all intended purposes.
Other objects and features of the present invention will become apparent from the following detailed description when taken in conjunction with the drawings in which:
FIG. 1 is an overall crossectional view of the present invention in its most preferred embodiment.


With particular reference FIG. 1 there is illustrated in a schematic crossection the principals of the present invention.
The structure of the preferred embodiment comprises a housing 10, having an igniter 20 extending through the wall 11 thereof. A combustion chamber 60 positioned within the housing 10 has a first open end 62. A hydrogen gas 72 inlet 30 directs hydrogen gas via port 37 from a source 35 to the inlet 62 of the combustion chamber 68. Also directed to the same inlet 62, and assisted by flanges 64 and 66, is ambient air 70 entering through ports 13 in the housing 10.
Adjacent the opposite end of the combustion chamber 60 the gas mixture 75 is ignited by the ignitor 20 to produce flame 77.
The velocity of the flame 77 causes it to strike and penetrate the barrier/radiator 50. The barrier 50 is of a material, such as metallic mesh or ceramic material, to disperse therein the flame and in turn become saturated with heat. The flame 77 is of a size sufficient to be dispersed throughout the barrier 50, but yet, not penetrate through the barrier 50.
Radiated from the surface 52 of the barrier 50 is superheated air 56 (gasses) to be passed on to a utilization device.
Adjacent to surface 52 of barrier/radiator 50 is a hot air trap 40 with closed loop line 45 returning non-combustible gas 44 to the combustion chamber 60. Control valve 42 is intermediate the line 45.
In operation of the preferred embodiment hydrogen gas, 72, emitted from the nozzle 37 is directed to the combustion chamber 60. The flanges 64 and 66 on the open end of housing 63 of the combustion chamber 60 enlarges the open end of 62. In the enlargement ambient air from the opening 13 in the housing 10 is also directed to the combustion chamber 60.
The ambient air and hydrogen traverses the opening 43 and further mixes with the non-combustible gas 44 from the closed loop line 45 with the hot air trap 40.
The mixture of hydrogen gas 72, ambient air 70, and non-combustible gas 44, is ignited by the ignitor 20 having electrical electrodes 21 and 23. Upon ignition flame 77 ensues.
The mixture is controlled with each of three gasses. That is, the line 32 from the hydrogen source 35 has a valve 38 therein for controlling the amount of hydrogen 72 emitted from the nozzle 37. The opening 13 has a plate adjustment 15 for controlling the amount of ambient air 60 directed to the combustion chamber 60, and the closed-loop line has valve 42, as aforesaid, for controlling the amount of non-combustible gasses in the mixture.
It can be appreciated that the temperature of the flame 77 and the velocity of the flame 77 is a function of the percentage of the various gasses in the mixture. In a practical embodiment, the flame 70 temperature and velocity was substantially retarded from that of a hydrogen flame per se; but yet, much greater than the temperature and velocity of the flame from the gasses utilized in a conventional heating system.
To maintain a sufficient pressure for combustion of the hydrogen gas mixture with a minimum of pressure (for safety) and to limit blowout, the nozzle 37 opening 39 is extremely small. As a consequence, if the hydrogen gas were burned directly from the nozzle 37, the flame would be finite in diameter. Further, its velocity would be so great it is questionable whether a flame could be sustained.
The mixing of ambient air and non-combustible gas does enlargen the flame size and does reduce its velocity. However, to maintain a flame higher in temperature and velocity than the conventional gasses, the size and temperature of the flame is controlled by the aforementioned mixture.
Therefore, to utilize the flame 77 in a present day utilization means, the flame is barred by the barrier 50. The barrier 50 is of a material that can absorb safely the intense flame 77 and thereafter radiate heat from its entire surface 52. The material 54 can be a ceramic, metallic mesh or other heat absorbing material known in the art. The radiated heat 56 is directed to the utilization means.
As aforesaid, the mixture of gasses that are burned include non-combustible gasses. As indicated in the above-noted co-pending patent applications, an excellent source of non-combustible gasses are exhaust gasses. In this embodiment, the trap 50 entraps the hot air 74 and returns the same, through valve 42, to the combustion chamber 60 as non-combustible gas.
With reference to FIG. 2 there is illustrated the burning velocity of various standard fuels. It can be seen the common type of fuel burns at a velocity substantially less than hydrogen gas.
The ratio of hydrogen with non-combustible oxygen gasses is varied to obtain optimum burning velocity and temperature for the particular utilization. Once this is attained, the ratio, under normal conditions, will not be altered. Other uses having different fuel burn temperature and velocity will be adjusted in ratio of hydrogen/oxygen to non-combustible gasses in the same manner as exemplified above.
Further, perhaps due to the hydrogen gas velocity, there will occur unburnt gas at the flame 77 output. The barrier 50, because of its material makeup will retard the movement and entrap the unspent hydrogen gas. As the superheated air 77 is dispersed within the material 54, the unspent hydrogen gas is ignited and burns therein. In this way the barrier 50 performs somewhat in the nature of an after burner.
USP # 4,389,981
Hydrogen Gas Injector System for Internal Combustion Engine
Stan Meyer
Abstract -- System and apparatus for the controlled intermixing of a volatile hydrogen gas with oxygen and other non-combustible gasses in a combustion system. In a preferred arrangement the source of volatile gas is a hydrogen source, and the non-combustible gasses are the exhaust gasses of the combustion system in a closed loop arrangement. Specific structure for the controlled mixing of the gasses, the fuel flow control, and safety are disclosed.
There is disclosed in my co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 802,807 filed Sept. 16, 1981 for a Hydrogen-Generator, a generating system converting water into hydrogen and oxygen gasses. In that system and method the hydrogen atoms are disocciated from a water molecule by the application of a non-regulated, non-filtered, low-power, direct current voltage electrical potential applied to two non-oxidizing similar metal plates having water passing there-between. The sub-atomic action is enhanced by pulsing the non-regulated and non-filtered direct current voltage. The apparatus comprises structural configurations in alternative embodiments for segregating the generated hydrogen gas from the oxygen gas.
In my co-pending patent application filed May 5, 1981, U.S. Ser. No. 262,744 now abandoned for Hydrogen-Airdation Processor, non-volatile and non-combustible gasses are controlled in a mixing stage with a volatile gas. The hydrogen airdation processor system utilizes a rotational mechanical gas displacement system to transfer, meter, mix, and pressurize the various gasses. In the gas transformation process, ambient air is passed through an open flame gas-burner system to eliminate gasses and other present substances. Thereafter the non-combustible gas-mixture is cooled, filtered for impurity removal, and mechanically mixed with a pre-determined amount of hydrogen gas. There results a new synthetic gas. The synthetic gas formation stage also volume meters and determines the proper gas-mixing ratio for establishing the desired burn-rate of hydrogen gas. The rotational mechanical gas displacement system in that process determines the volume-amount of synthetic gas to be produced.
The above-noted hydrogen airdation processor, of my co-pending application, is a multi-stage system having utility in special applications. Whereas the hydrogen generator system of my other mentioned co-pending application does disclose a very simple and unique hydrogen generator.
In my co-pending patent application Ser. No. 315,945, filed Oct. 18, 1981 there is disclosed a combustion system having utility in a mechanical drive system. Particularly in one instance to drive a piston in an automotive device. There is shown a hydrogen generator for developing hydrogen gas, and perhaps other non-volatile gasses such as oxygen and nitrogen. The hydrogen gas with the attendant non-volatile gasses are fed via a line to a controlled air intake system. The combined hydrogen, non-volatile gasses, and the air after inter-mixing are fed to a combustion chamber where it is ignited. The exhaust gasses of the combustion chamber are returned in a closed loop arrangement to the mixing chamber for the mixture of volatile and non-combustible gasses. Particular applications and structural embodiments of the system are disclosed.
The system of the present invention in its most preferred embodiment is for a combustion system utilizing hydrogen gas; particularly to drive a piston in an automobile device. The system utilizes a hydrogen generator for developing hydrogen gas. The hydrogen gas and other non-volatile gasses are fed to a mixing chamber also having oxygen fed thereto. The mixture is controlled to regulate the burning temperature; that is, to lower the temperature velocity of the hydrogen gas to that of the commercial fuels. The hydrogen gas feed line to the combustion chamber includes a fine linear control gas flow valve. An air intake is the source of oxygen and it also includes a variable valve. The exhaust gasses from the combustion chamber are utilized in a controlled manner as the non-combustible gasses.
The hydrogen generator is improved upon to include a holding tank to provide a source of start-up fuel. Also, the hydrogen gas generator includes a switch to the power source operable from one position to another dependant upon a pressure sensing switch on the combustion chamber.
The simplified structure includes a series of one-way valves, safety valves, and quenching apparatus. The combination of apparatus comprises the complete assembly for converting the standard automobile engine from gasoline (or other fuels) to the hydrogen gas mixture.
It is accordingly a principal object of the present invention to provide a combustion system of gasses combined from a source of hydrogen and non-combustible gasses.
Another object of the invention is to provide such a combustion system that intermixes the hydrogen and non-combustible gasses in a controlled manner and thereby control the combustion temperature.
A further object of the invention is to provide such a combustion system that controls the fuel flow to the combustion chamber in s system and apparatus particularly adapted to hydrogen gas.
Still other objects and features of the present invention will become apparent from the following detailed description when taken in conjunction with the drawings in which:
FIG. 1 is a mechanical schematic illustration partly in block form of the present invention in its most preferred embodiment.









Referring to FIG. 1 the complete overall gas mixing and fuel flow system is illustrated together for utilization in a combustion engine particularly an engine utilized in an automobile.
With specific reference to FIG. 1, the hydrogen source 10 is the hydrogen generator disclosed and described in my co-pending application, supra. The container 10 is an enclosure for a water bath 2. Immersed in the water 2 is an array of plates 3 as further described in my co-pending application, supra. Applied to plates 3 is a source of direct current potential via electrical inlet 27. The upper portion 7 of the container 10 is a hydrogen storage area maintaining a predetermined amount of pressure. In this way for start up there will be an immediate flow of hydrogen gas. To replenish the expended water the generator provides a continuous water source 1. Thereafter, the generator is operable as described in the aforesaid patent application.
The safety valve 28 is rupturable upon excessive gas build-up. Whereas the switch 26 is a gas pressure switch to maintain a predetermined gas pressure level about a regulated low-volume.
The generated hydrogen gas 4 is fed from the one-way check valve 16 via pipe 5 to a gas mixing chamber 20, wherein the hydrogen gas is inter-mixed with non-combustible gasses via pipe line 9 from a source hereinafter described.
In the event one way valve 75 should fail and there be a return spark that might ignite the hydrogen gas 4 in the storage area 7 of hydrogen generator 10, quenching assembly 76 will quench the spark and prevent such ignition.
With particular reference to FIG. 2 the hydrogen gas via pipe line 5 and non-combustible gasses via pipe line 9 are fed to a carburator (air-mixture) system 20 also having an ambient air intake 14.
The hydrogen gas 4 is fed via line 5 through nozzle 11 in a spray 16 in to the trap area 46 of the mixing chamber 20. Nozzle 11 has an opening smaller than the plate openings in the quenching assembly 37, thereby preventing flash back in the event of sparking. The non-volatile gasses are injected into mixing chamber 20 trap area 47 in a jet spray 17 via nozzle 13. Quenching assembly 39 is operable much in the same manner as quenching assembly 37.
The ambient air is, in the preferred arrangement, the source of oxygen necessary for the combustion of the hydrogen gas. Further, as disclosed in the aforesaid co-pending application the non-volatile gasses are in fact the exhaust gasses in a closed loop system. It is to be understood that the oxygen and/or the non-combustible gasses can be from an independant source.
With continued reference to FIG. 2 the gas trap area 47 is a predetermined size. In that hydrogen is lighter than air, the hydrogen will rise and become entrapped in the are 47. The size of area 47 is sufficient to contain enough hydrogen gas for instant ignition upon start up of the combusiton engine.
It will be noted that the hydrogen gas is injected in the uppermost region of the trap area 47. Hydrogen rises at a much greater velocity than oxygen or non-combustible gasses; perhaps three times or greater. Therefore, if the hydrogen gas entered the trap area 47 (mixing area) at its lowermost region the hydrogen gas would rise so rapidly that the air could not mix with the oxygen. With the structure shown in FIG. 2 of the trap area 47, the hydrogen gas is forced downwardly into the air intake 15. That is, the hydrogen gas is forced downwardly into the upwardly forced air and readily mixed therewith.
The ratio of the ambient air (oxygen) 14 and the non-combustible gas via line 9 is a controlled ratio and determined by the particular engine. Once the proper combustion rate is determined by the adjustment of valve 95 for varying the amount of the non-combustible gas and the adjustment of valve 45 for varying the amount of the ambient air, the ratio is maintained.
In a system wherein the non-combustible gasses are the exhaust gasses of the engine in a closed loop-arrangement, and wherein the air intake is under the control of the engine, the flow velocity and hence the air/non-combustible mixture, is maintained by the acceleration of the engine.
The mixture of air with non-combustible gasses becomes the carrier for the hydrogen gas. That is, the hydrogen gas is superimposed on the air/non-combustible mixture. By varying the amount of hydrogen gas superimposed on the air/non-combustible mixture, the r.p.m. of the engine is controlled.
Reference is made to FIG. 3 illustrating precisely in a side view crossection the fine linear fuel flow control 53. The hydrogen gas 4 enters chamber 43 via gas inlet 41. The hydrogen gas passes from chamber 43. The hydrogen gas passes from chamber 43 to chamber 47 via port or opening 42. The amount of gas passing form chamber 43 to chamber 47 is controlled by controlling the port opening 42.
The port opening is controlled by the insertion there through the linearly tapered pin 73. The blunt end of pin 73 is fixed to rod 71. Rod 71 passed by supporting O-ring 75, through opening 81 in housing 30, to manual adjustment mechanism 83.
The spring 49 retains the rod 71 is a fixed position relative to the pin 73 and opening 42. Upon actuating the mechanism 83, the pin 73 will recede from the opening 42 there by increasing the amount of gas passing from chamber 43 to chamber 47.
The stops 67 and 69 maintain spring 49 in its stable position. The position of the pin 73 in a fixed position relative to opening 42 is adjusted via threaded nuts 63 and 67 on threaded rod 61. That is, the threaded adjustment controls the idle speed or permits the minimum amount of gas to pass from chamber 43 to chamber 47 for continuous operation of the combustion engine.
Referring now to FIG. 8 there is illustrated the air adjustment control for manipulating the amount of air passing into the mixing chamber 20. The closure 21 mounted on plate 18 has an opening 17 on end 11 thereof. Slideably mounted over said opening 17 is a plate control 42. The position of the plate relative to the opening 17 is controlled by the position of the control rod 19 passing through a grommet 12 to control line. In event of malfunction that may cause combustion of gasses in mixing chamber 20, release valve 24 will rupture.
With reference now to FIG. 4, in the event hydrogen gas 4 should accumulate in the mixing chamber 20 to excessive pressure, an escape tube 36 connected to a port 34 on the automobile hood 32 permits the excess hydrogen gas to safely escape to the atmosphere. In the event of a malfunction that may cause combustion in the mixing chamber 20, the pressure relief valve 33 will rupture expelling hydrogen gas without combustion.
In the constructed arrangement of FIG. 1, there is illustrated a gas control system that may be retrofitted to an existing automobile internal combustion engine without changing or modifying automobile's design parameters or characteristics.
The flow of the hydrogen volatile gas is, of course, critical; therefore, there is incorporated in line 5 a gas flow valve 53 (FIG. 1) to adjust the hydrogen flow. Gas flow valve is described in detail with reference to FIG. 3.
The intake air 14 may be in a carburator arrangement with an intake adjustment 55 that adjusts the plate 42 opening and also more fully described with reference to FIG. 8.
To maintain constant pressure in hydrogen gas storage 7 in the on-off operation of the engine, the gas flow control valve is responsive to the electrical shut-off control 33. The constant pressure permits an abundant supply of gas on start up and during certain periods of running time in re-supply.
The switch 33 is in turn responsive to the vacuum control switch 60. During running of the engine vacuum will be built up which in turn leaves switch 33 open by contact with vacuum switch 60 through lead 60a. When the engine is not running the vacuum will decrease to zero and through switch 60 will cause electrical switch 33 to shut off cutting off the flow of hydrogen gas to the control valve 53.
As low-voltage direct current is applied to safety valve 28, solenoid 29 is activated. The solenoid applies a control voltage to the hydrogen generator exciter 3 via terminal 27 through pressure switch 26. As the electrical power activates electric solenoid 29, hydrogen gas is caused to pass through flow adjustment valve 16 and then outlet pipe 5 for utilization. The pressure differential hydrogen gas output to gas mixing chamber 20 is for example 30 lbs. to 15 lbs. Once hydrogen generator 10 reaches an optimum gas pressure level, pressure switch 26 shuts off electrical power to the hydrogen excitors. If the chamber pressure exceeds a predetermined level, the safety release valve 28 is activated disconnecting the electrical current and thereby shutting down the entire system for safety inspection.
With particular reference now to FIG. 6 there is illustrated the fuel injector system in a side crossectional view and to FIG. 5 in a top view. The structural apparatus incorporated in the preferred embodiment comprises housing 90 having air intakes 14a and 14e. The air passes through filter 91 around the components 14b and 14c and then to intake 14d of the mixing chamber 20. The hydrogen enters via line 5 via quenching plates 37 and into the mixing chamber 20. The non-volatile gasses pass via line 9 to the quenching plates 39 and into the mixing chamber 20.
FIG. 7 illustrates the mechanical arrangement of components comprising the overall structure of the mixing chamber 20 and shown independantly in the other figures.
Returning to FIG. 1 there is illustrated the non-volatile gas line 9 passing through mixture pump 91 by engine pulley 93. Valve 95 controls the rate of flow.
Also driven by pulley 93 is pump 96 having line 85 connected to an oil resevoir 92 and valve 87 and finally to mixing chamber 20. As a practical matter, such as in a non-oil lubricated engine, lubricating fluid such as oil 81 is sprayed in the chamber 20, via oil supply line 85 for lubrication.
There has been several publications in the past year or so delving on the properties of Hydrogen gas, its potential use, generating systems, and safety. One such publication is "Selected Properties of Hydrogen" (Engineering Design Data) issued February 1981 by the National Bureau of Standards.
These publications are primarily concerned with the elaborate and costly processes for generating hydrogen. Equally so, they are concerned with the very limited use of hydrogen gas because of its extremely high burning velocities. This in turn reflects the danger in the practical use of hydrogen.
With reference to the graph of the Appendix A, it is seen that the burning velocities of alcohol, propane, methane, gasoline, natural gas, and diesel oil are in the range of minimum 35 to maximum 45. Further, the graph illustrates that the burning velocity of hydrogen gas is in the range of 265 minimum to 325 maximum. In simple terms in the order of 7.5 times the velocity of ordinary commercial fuels.
Because of the hydrogen gas unusually high burning velocity, hydrogen gas has been ruled out, by these prior investigators as a substitute fuel. Furhter, even if an engine could be designed to accomodate such high velocities, the danger of explosion would eliminate any thoughts of commercial use.
The present invention, as above described, has resolved the above-noted criterea for the use of hydrogen gas in a standard commercial engine. Primarily, the cost in the generation of hydrogen gas, as noted in the aforementioned co-pending patent applications, is most minimal. Water with no chemicals or metals is used. Also, as note in the aforementioned co-pending patent applications, is the reduction in the hydrogen gas velocity. These co-pending applications not only teach the reduction in velocity, but teach the control of the velocity of the hydrogen gas.
In the preferred embodiment, practical apparatus adapting the hydrogen generator to a combustion engine is described. The apparatus linearly controls the hydrogen gas flow to a mixing chamber mixing with a controlled amount of non-combustible gas oxygen, hence, the reduction in the hydrogen gas velocity. The reduction in the hydrogen gas velocity makes the use of hydrogen as safe as other fuels.
In more practical terms the ordinary internal combustion engine of any size or type of fuel, is retrofitted to be operable with only water as a fuel source. Hydrogen gas is generated from the water without the use of chemicals or metals and at a very low voltage. The burning velocity of the hydrogen gas has been reduced to that of conventional fuels. Finally, every component or step in the process has one or more safety valves or features thereby making the hydrogen gas system safer than that of conventional automobiles.
In the above description the terms non-volatile and non-combustile were used. It is to be understood they are intended to be the same; that is, simply, gas that will not burn.
Again, the term storage has been used, primarily with respect to the hydrogen storage area 7. It is not intended that the term "storage" be taken literally--in fact it is not storage, but a temporary holding area. With respect to area 7, this area retains a sufficient amount of hydrogen for immediate start-up.
Other terms, features, apparatus, and the such have been described with reference to a preferred embodiment. It is to be understood modifications and alternatives can be had without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.
Canadian Patent # 2,067,735 Water Fuel Injection System
Stanley Meyer
An injector system comprising an improved method and apparatus useful in the production of a hydrogen-containing fuel gas from water in a process in which the dielectric property of water and/or a mixture of water and other components determines a resonant condition that produces a breakdown of the atomic bonding of atoms in the water molecule. The injector delivers a mixture of water mist, ionized gases, and non-combustible gas to a zone or locus within which the breakdown process leading to the release of elemental hydrogen from water molecules occurs.
This invention relates to a method and apparatus useful in producing thermal combustive energy from the hydrogen component of water…
The invention of this present application represents a generational improvement in methods and apparatus useful in the utilization of water as a fuel source. In brief, the present invention is a microminiaturized water fuel cell and permits the direct injection of water, and its simultaneous transformation into a hydrogen-containing fuel, in a combustion zone, such as a cylinder in an internal combustion engine, a jet engine, or furnace. Alternatively the injection system of the present invention may be utilized in any non-engine application in which a concentrated flame or heat source is desired, for example, welding.
The present injection system eliminated the need for an enclosed gas pressure vessel in a hydrogen fuel system and thereby reduces a potential physical hazard heretofore associated with the use of hydrogen-based fuel. The system produces fuel on demand in real-time operation and sets up an integrated environment of optimum parameters so that a water-to-fuel conversion process works at high efficiency.
The preferred embodiment of the invention is more fully explained below with reference to the drawings in which:
Figure 1 figuratively illustrates the sections and operating zones included in a single injector of the invention.









In the fuel mixture condition that is created by the injector, water (H2O) is atomized into a fine spray and mixed with (1) ionized ambient air gases and (2) other non-combustible gases such as nitrogen, argon and other rare gases, and water vapor. (Exhaust gas produced by the combustion of hydrogen with oxygen is a non-combustible water vapor. This water vapor and other inert gases resulting from combustion may be recycled from an exhaust outlet in the injector system back into the input mixture of non-combustible gases). The fuel mix is introduced at a consistent flow rate maintained under a predetermined pressure. In the triggering of the condition created by the injector, the conversion process described in my patent # 4,936,961 and co-pending application serial # 07/460,859 is set off spontaneously on a micro level in a predetermined reaction zone. The injector creates a mixture, under pressure in a defined zone (or locus) of water, ionized gases and non-combustible gases. Pressure is an important factor in the maintenance of the reaction condition and causes the water mist/gas mixture to become intimately mixed, compressed, and destabilized to produce combustion when activated under resonant conditions of ignition. In accordance with the aforementioned conversion process of my patent and application, when water is subjected to a resonance condition water molecules expand and distend; electrons are ejected from the water molecule and absorbed by ionized gases; and the water molecule, thus destabilized, breaks down into its elemental components of hydrogen (2H) and oxygen (O) in combustion zone. The hydrogen atoms released from the molecule provide the fuel source in the mixture for combustion with oxygen. The present invention is an application of that process and is outlined in Table I:

The injector system provides a pressurized fuel mixture for subjection to the resonant environment of the voltage combustion zone as the mixture is introduced to the zone. In a preferred embodiment, the injector includes concentrically nested serial orifices, one for each of three constituent elements of the fuel mixture. (It may be feasible to combine and process non-combustible and ionized gases in advance of the injector. In this event only two orifices are required, one for the water and the other for the combined gases). The orifices disperse the water mist and gases under pressure into a conically shaped activation and combustion zone (or locus).
Figure 1A shows a transverse cross-section of an injector in which supply lines for water 1 ionized gas 2 and non-combustible gas 3 feed into a distribution disk assembly 4 having concentrically nested orifices. The fuel mixture passes through a mixing zone 5 and voltage zone 6 created by electrodes or conductive surfaces 7A and 7B (positive) and 8 (negative or ground). Electrical field lines are shown as 6A1 and 6A2 and 6B1 and 6B2. Combustion (i.e., the oxidation of hydrogen) occurs in the zone 9. Ignition of the hydrogen can be primed by a spark or may occur spontaneously as a result of the exceptionally high volatility of hydrogen and its presence in a high voltage field. Although a differentiation of the mixing zone, the voltage zone and the combustion zone is made in explaining the invention, that differentiation relates to events or conditions in a process continuum, and as is evident from Figure 1, the zones are not physically discrete. In the zone(s), there is produced an excited mixture of vaporized water mist, ionized gases and other non-combustible gases all of which have been instantaneously released fro under high pressure. Simultaneously. The released mixture is exposed to a pulsed voltage in the zone/locus at a frequency corresponding to electrical resonance. Under these conditions, outer shell electrons of atoms in the water molecule are destabilized and molecular time share is interrupted. Thus, the gas mixture in the injector zone is subjected to physical, electrical and chemical interactive forces which cause a breakdown of the atomic bonding forces of the water molecule.
Process parameters are determined based on the size of a particular injector. In an injector sized approximately for use to provide a fuel mixture to a conventional cylinder in a passenger vehicle automobile engine, the injector may resemble a conventional spark plug. In such an injector, the water orifice is 0.10 to 0.15 inch in diameter; the ionized gas orifice is 0.15 to .20 inch diameter; and the non-combustible gas orifice is 0.20 to 0.25 inch diameter. In such a configuration, the serial orifices increase in size from the innermost orifice, as appropriate to a concentric configuration. As noted above, the introduction of the fuel components is desirably maintained at a constant rate; maintenance of a back-pressure of about 125 pounds per square inch for each of the three fuel gas constituents appears satisfactorily useful for a spark-plug injector. In the pressurized environment of the injector, spring loaded one-way check valves in each supply line, such as 14 and 15, maintain pressure during pulse off times.
The voltage zone 6 surrounds the pressurized fuel mixture and provides an electrically charged environment of pulsed direct current in the range from about 500 to 20,000 or ore volts at a frequency tuned to the resonant characteristic of the mixture. This frequency will typically lie within the range of from about 20 KHz to about 50 KHz, dependent, as noted above, on the mass flow of the mixture from the injector and the dielectric property o the mixture. In a spark-plug sized injector, the voltage zone will typically extend longitudinally about 0.25 to 1.0 inch to permit sufficient dwell time of the water mist and gas mixture between the conductive surfaces 7 and 8 that form a capacitor so that resonance occurs at a high voltage pulsed frequency and combustion is triggered. In the zone, an energy wave is formed related to the resonant pulse frequency. The wave continues to pulse through the flame in the combustion zone. The thermal energy produced is released as heat energy. In a confined zone such as a piston/cylinder engine, gas detonation under resonant conditions produces explosive physical power.
In the voltage zone, the time share ration of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms comprising the individual water molecules in the water mist is upset in accordance with the process explained in my aforementioned Patent # 4,936,961 and application serial # 07/460,859. To wit, the water molecule which is itself a polar structure, is distended or distorted in shape by being subjected to the polar electric field in the voltage zone. The resonant condition induced in the molecule by the unipolar pulses upsets the molecular bonding of shell electrons such that the water molecule, at resonance, breaks apart into its constituent atoms. In the voltage zone, the water (H2O) molecules are excited into an ionized state; and the pre-ionized gas component of the fuel mixture captures the electrons released from the water molecule. In this manner at the resonant condition, the water molecule is destabilized and the constituent atomic elements of the molecule, 2H and O are released; and the released hydrogen atoms are available for combustion. The non-combustible gases in the fuel mixture reduce the burn rate of hydrogen to that of a hydrocarbon fuel such as gasoline or kerosene from its normal burn rate (which is approximately 2.5 times that of gasoline). Hence the presence of non-combustible gases in the fuel mixture moderates energy release and modulate the rate at which the free hydrogen and oxygen molecules combine in the combustion process.
The conversion process does not spontaneously occur and the condition in the zone must be carefully fine tuned to achieve an optimum input flow rate for water and the gases corresponding to the maintenance of a resonant condition. The input water mist and gases may likewise be injected into the zone in a physically pulsed [on/off] manner corresponding to the resonance achieved. In an internal combustion engine, the resonance of the electrical circuit and the physical pulsing of the input mixture may be required to be related to the combustion cycle of the reciprocating engine. In this regard, one or two conventional spark plugs may require a spark cycle tuned in correspondence to the conversion cycle resonance to that the combustion of the mixture will occur. Thus, the input flow, conversion rate and combustion rate are interrelated and optimally should each be tuned in accordance with the circuit resonance at which conversion occurs.
The injection system of the present invention is suited to retrofit applications in conventionally fueled gasoline and diesel internal combustion engines and conventionally fueled jet aircraft engines.
Example 1



A central electrode 8 extends the length o the injector. Conductive elements 7A and 7B (7A and 7B depict opposite sides if the diameter in the cross-section of a circular body) adjacent threaded section 12 form, with electrode 8, the electrical polarization zone 6 proximate to combustion zone 9. An electrical connector 13 may be provided at the other end of the injector. (As used herein electrode refers to the conductive surface of an element forming one side of a capacitor). In the frontal view of Figure 2B it is seen that each disc comprising the distribution disc assembly 9, includes a plurality of micro-nozzles 1A1, 2A1, 3A1, etc., for the outlet of the water and gases into the polarization/voltage and combustion zones. The exploded view of Figure 2C shows another view of the injector and additionally depicts two supply line inlets 16 and 17, the third not being shown (because of the inability to represent the uniform 120 degree separation of three lines in a two-dimensional drawing).
In the injector, water mist (forming droplets in the range, for example, of from 10 to 250 microns and above, with size being related to voltage intensity) is injected into fuel-mixing and polarizing zone by way of water spray nozzles 1A1. The tendency of water to form a bead or droplet is a parameter related to droplet mist size and voltage intensity. Ionized air gases and non-combustible gases, introduced through nozzles 2A1 and 3A1, are intermixed with the expelling water mist to form a fuel-mixture which enters into voltage zone 6 where the mixture is exposed to a pulsating, unipolar high intensity voltage field (typically 20,000 volts at 50 KHz or above at the resonant condition in which current flow in the circuit [amps] is reduced to a minimum), created between electrodes 7 and 8.
Laser energy prevents discharge of the ionized gases and provides additional energy input into the molecular destabilization process that occurs at resonance. It is preferable that the ionized gases be subjected to laser (photonic energy) activation in advance of the introduction of the gases into the zone(s); although, for example, a fiber optic conduit may be useful to direct photonic energy directly into the zone. Heat generated in the zone, however, may affect the operability of such an alternative configuration. The electrical polarization of the water molecule and a resonant condition occurs to destabilize the molecular bonding of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms. By spark ignition, combustion energy is released.
To ensure proper flame projection and subsequent flame stability, pumps for the ambient air, non-combustible gas and water introduce these components to the injector under static pressure up to and beyond 126 psi.
Flame temperature is regulated by controlling the volume flow-rate of each fluid media in direct relationship to applied voltage intensity. To elevate flame temperature, fluid displacement is increased while the volume flow rate of non-combustible gases is maintained or reduced and the applied voltage amplitude is increased. To lower flame temperature, the fluid flow rate if non-combustible gases is increased and pulse voltage amplitude is lowered. To establish a predetermined flame temperature, the fluid media and applied voltage are adjusted independently. The flame pattern is further maintained as the ignited, compressed, and moving gases are projected from the nozzle-ports in distribution disc assembly 4 under pressure and the gas expands in the zone and is ignited.
In the voltage zone several functions occur simultaneously to initiate and trigger thermal energy yield. Water mist droplets are exposed to high intensity pulsating voltage fields in accordance with an electrical polarization process that separates the atoms of the water molecule and causes the atoms to experience electron ejection. The polar nature of the water molecule which facilitates the formation of minute droplets in the mist appears to cause a relationship between the droplet size and the voltage required to effect the process, i.e., the greater the droplet size, the higher the voltage required. The liberated atoms of the water molecule interact with laser primed ionized ambient air gases to cause a highly energized and destabilized mass of combustible gas atoms to thermally ignite. Incoming ambient air gases are laser primed and ionized when passing through a gas processor; and an electron extraction circuit (Figure 5) captures and consumes in sink 55 ejected electrons and prevents electron flow into the resonant circuit.
In terms of performance, reliability and safety, ionized air gases and water fuel liquid do not become volatile until the fuel mixture reaches the voltage and combustion zones. Injected non-combustible gases retard and control the combustion rate of hydrogen during gas ignition.
In alternate applications, laser primed ionized liquid oxygen and laser primed liquid hydrogen stored in separate fuel tanks can be used in place of the fuel mixture, or liquefied ambient air gases alone with water can be substituted as a fuel source.
The injector assembly is design variable and is retrofitable to fossil fuel injector ports conventionally used in jet/rocket engines, grain dryers, blast furnaces, heating systems, internal combustion engines and the like.
Example II


Example III

Example IV

Example V

A distribution block for the assembly is shown in Figure 6. In Figure 6 the distribution block pulses and synchronizes the input of the fuel components in sequence with the electrical pulsing circuit. The fuel components are injected into the injector ports in synchronization with the resonant frequency to enhance the energy wave pulse extending from the voltage zone through the flame. In the configuration of Figure 6, the electrical system is interrelated to distribution block 60, gate valve 61 and separate passageways 62, 63, and 64 for fuel components. The distributor produces a trigger pulse which activates a pulse shaping circuit that forms a pulse having a width and amplitude determined by resonance of the mixture and established a dwell time for the mixture in the zone to produce combustion.
As in my referenced application regarding control and management and distribution systems for a hydrogen containing fuel gas produced from water, the production of hydrogen gas is related to pulse frequency on/off time. In the system shown in Figure 6, the distributor block pulses the fluid media introduced to the injector in relationship to the resonant pulse frequency of the circuit and to the operational on/off gate pulse frequency. In this manner the rate of water conversion (i.e., the rate of fuel production by the injector) can be regulated and the pattern of resonance in the flame controlled.
WO 92/07861 A Control and Driver Circuit for a Hydrogen Gas Fuel Producing Cell
Intl. Cl. C07G 13/00, H03K 3/30
14 May 1992
A control circuit for a capacitive resonant cavity water capacitor cell (7) for the production of a hydrogen containing fuel gas has a resonant scanning circuit cooperating with a resonance detector and PLL circuit to produce pulses. The pulses are fed into the primary (TX1) transformer. The secondary (TX2) transformer is connected to the resonant cavity water capacitor cell (7) via a diode and a resonant charging chokes (TX4, TX5).
This invention relates to electrical circuit systems useful in the operation of a water fuel cell including a water capacitor/resonant cavity for the production of a hydrogen containing fuel gas, such as that described in my US Patent # 4,936,961, Method for the Production of a Fuel Gas (26 June 1990).
In my aforesaid Patent for a method for the production of a fuel gas, voltage pulses applied to plates of a water capacitor tune into the dielectric properties of the water and attenuate the electrical forces between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms of the molecule. The attenuation of the electrical forces results in a change in the molecular electrical field and the covalent atomic binding forces of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms. When resonance is achieved, the atomic bond of the molecule is broken, and the atoms of the molecule disassociate. At resonance, the current (amp) draw from a power source to the water capacitor is minimized and voltage across the water capacitor increases. Electron flow is not permitted (except at the minimum, corresponding to leakage resulting from the residual conductive properties of water). For the process to continue, however, a resonant condition must be maintained.
Because of the electrical polarity of the water molecule, the fields produced in the water capacitor respectively attract and repel the opposite and like charges in the molecule, and the forces eventually achieved at resonance are such that the strength of the covalent bonding force in the water molecule is exceeded, and the atoms of the water molecule (which are normally in an electron sharing mode) disassociate. Upon disassociation, the formerly shared bonding electrons migrate to the hydrogen nuclei, and both the hydrogen and oxygen revert to net zero electrical charge. The atoms are released from the water as a gas mixture.
In the invention herein, a control circuit for a resonant cavity water capacitor cell utilized for the production of a hydrogen containing fuel gas is provided.
The circuit includes an isolation means such as a transformer having a ferromagnetic, ceramic or other electromagnetic material core and having one side of a secondary coil connected in series with a high speed switching diode to one plate of the water capacitor of the resonant capacitor and the other side of the secondary coil connected to the other plate of the water capacitor to form a closed loop electronic circuit utilizing the dielectric properties of water as part of the electronic resonant circuit. The primary coil of the isolation transformer is connected to a pulse generation means. The secondary coil of the transformer may include segments that form resonant charging choke circuits in series with the water capacitor plates.
In the pulse generation means, an adjustable first, resonant frequency generator and a second gated pulse frequency generator are provided. A gate pulse controls the number of the pulses produced by the resonant frequency generator sent to the primary could during a period determined by the gate frequency of the second pulse generator.
The invention also includes a means for sensing the occurrence of a resonant condition in the water capacitor/resonant cavity, which when a ferromagnetic or electromagnetic core is used, may be a pickup coil on the transformer core. The sensing means is interconnected to a scanning circuit and a phase lock loop circuit, whereby the pulsing frequency to the primary coil of the transformer is maintained at a sensed frequency corresponding to a resonant condition in the water capacitor.
Control means are provided in the circuit for adjusting the amplitude of a pulsing cycle sent to the primary coil and for maintaining the frequency of the pulsing cycle at a constant frequency regardless of pulse magnitude. In addition, the gated pulse frequency generator may be operatively interconnected with a sensor that monitors the rate of gas production from the cell and controls the number of pulses from the resonant frequency generator sent to the cell in a gated frequency in a correspondence with the rate of gas production. The sensor may be a gas pressure sensor in an enclosed water capacitor resonant cavity which also includes a gas outlet. E gas pressure sensor is operatively connected to the circuit to determine the rate of gas production with respect to ambient gas pressure in the water capacitor enclosure.
Thus, an omnibus control circuit and its discrete elements for maintaining and controlling the resonance and other aspects of the release of gas from a resonant cavity water cell is described herein and illustrated in the drawings which depict the following:
Figure 1 is a block diagram of an overall control circuit showing the interrelationship of sub-circuits, the pulsing core/resonant circuit and the water capacitor resonant cavity.
Figure 2 shows a type of digital control means for regulating the ultimate rate of gas production as determined by an external input. (Such a control means would corresponding, for example, to the accelerator in an automobile or a building thermostat control.)
Figure 3 shows an analog voltage generator.
Figure 4 is a voltage amplitude control circuit interconnected with the voltage generator and one side of the primary coil of the pulsing core.
Figure 5 is the cell driver circuit that is connected with the opposite side of the primary coil of the pulsing core.
Figures 6, Fig. 7, Fig. 8, and Fig. 9 relate to pulsing control means including a gated pulse frequency generator (Figure 6); a phase lock circuit (Figure 7); a resonant scanning circuit (Figure 8); and the pulse indicator circuit (Figure 9) that control pulses transmitted to the resonant cavity/water fuel cell capacitor.
Figure 10 shows the pulsing core and the voltage intensifier circuit that is the interface between the control circuit and the resonant cavity.
Figure 11 is a gas feedback control circuit.
Figure 12 is an adjustable frequency generator circuit.
The circuits are operatively interconnected as in Figure 1 and to the pulsing core voltage intensifier circuit of Figure 10, which, inter alia, electrically isolates the water capcitor so that it becomes an electrically isolated cavity for the processing of water in accordance with its dielectric resonance properties. By reason of the isolation, power consumption in the control and driving circuits is minimized as voltage is maximized in the gas production mode of the water capacitor/fuel cell.
The reference letters appearing in the Figures, A, B, C, D, E, etc., to M and M1 show, with respect to each separate circuit depicted, the point at which a connection in that circuit is made to a companion or interrelated circuit.
In the invention, the water capacitor is subjected to a duty pulse which builds up in the resonant changing choke coil and then collapses. This occurrence permits a unipolar pulse to be applied to the fuel cell capacitor. When a resonant condition of the circuit is locked-in by the circuit, amp leakage is held to a minimum as the voltage which creates the dielectric field tends to infinity. Thus, when high voltage is detected upon resonance, the phase lock loop circuit that controls the cell driver circuit maintains the resonance at the detected (or sensed) frequency.
The resonance of the water capacitor cell is affected by the volume of water in the cell. The resonance of any given volume of water maintained in the water capacitor cell is also affected by contaminants in the water which act as a damper. For example, at an applied potential difference of 2000 to 5000 volts to the cell, an amp spike or surge may be caused by inconsistencies in water characteristics that cause an out-of-resonance condition which is remedied instantaneously by the control circuits.
In the invention, the adjustable frequency generator (Figure 12) tunes into the resonant condition of the circuit including the water cell and the water therein. The generator has a frequency capability of 0-10 KHz in a typical 3.0 inch water capacitor formed of a 0.5 inch rod enclosed within a 0.75 inside diameter cylinder. At start up, in this example, current draw through the water cell will measure about 25 milliamp; however, when the circuit finds a tuned resonant condition, current drops to a 1-2 milliamp minimum leakage condition.
The voltage to the capacitor water cell increases according to the turns of the winding and size of the coils, as in a typical transformer circuit. For example, if 12 volts are sent to the primary coil of the pulsing core and the secondary coil resonant charging choke ration is 30 to 1, then 360 volts are sent to the capacitor water cell. Turns are a design variable that control the voltage of the unipolar pulses sent to the capacitor.
The high speed switching diode shown in Figure 10 prevents charge leakage from the charged water in the water capacitor cavity, and the water capacitor as an overall capacitor circuit element, i.e., the pulse and charge status of the water/capacitor never pass through an arbitrary ground. The pulse to the water capacitor is always unipolar. The water capacitor is electrically isolated from the control, input and driver circuits by the electromagnetic coupling through the core. The switching diode in the VIC circuit (Figure 10) performs several functions in the pulsing. The diode is an electronic switch that determines the generation and collapse of an electromagnetic field to permit the resonant charging choke(s) to double the applied frequency and also allows the pulse to be sent to the resonant cavity without discharging the capacitor therein. The diode, of course, is selected in accordance with the maximum voltage encountered in the pulsing circuit. A 600 PIV fast switching diode, such as an NVR 1550 high speed switching diode, has been found to be useful in the circuit herein.
The VIC circuit of Figure 10 also includes a ferromagnetic or ceramic ferromagnetic pulsing core capable of producing electromagnetic flux lines in response to an electrical pulse input. The flux lines equally affect the secondary coil and the resonant charging choke windings. Preferably, the core is a closed loop construction. The effect of the core is to isolate the water capacitor and to prevent the pulsing signal from going below an arbitrary ground and to maintain the charge of the already charged water and water capacitor.
In the pulsing core, the coils are preferably wound in the same direction to maximize the additive effect of the electromagnetic field therein.
The magnetic field of the pulsing core is in synchronization with the pulse input to the primary coil. The potential from the secondary coil is introduced to the resonant charging choke(s) series circuit elements which are subjected to the same synchronous applied electromagnetic field, simultaneously with the primary pulse.
When resonance occurs, control of the gas output is achieved by varying voltage amplitude or varying the time of the duty gate cycle. The transformer core is a pulse frequency doubler. In a figurative explanation of the workings of the fuel gas generator water capacitor cell, when a water molecule is hit by a pulse, electron time share is affected, and the molecule is charged. When the time of the duty cycle is changed, the number of pulses that hit the molecules in the fuel cell is correspondingly modified. More hits result in a greater rate of molecular disassociation.
With reference to the overall circuit of Figure 1, Figure 3 receives a digital input signal, and Figure 4 depicts the control means that directs 0-12 volts across the primary coil of the pulsing core. Depending upon design parameters of primary coil voltage and other factors relevant t core design, the secondary coil of the pulsing core can be set up for a predetermined maximum, such as 2000 volts.
Figure 5, the cell driver circuit, allows a gated pulse to be varied in direct relation to voltage amplitude.
As noted above, the circuit of Figure 6 produces a gate pulse frequency. The gate pulse is superimposed over the resonant frequency pulse to create a duty cycle that determines the number of discrete pulses sent to the primary coil. For example, assuming a resonant pulse o 5 KHz, a 0.5 Hz gate pulse may be superimposed over the 5 KHz pulse to provide 2500 discrete pulses in a 50% duty cycle per Hz. The relationship of resonant pulse to the gate pulse is determined by conventional signal addition/subtraction techniques.
Figure 7, a phase lock loop, allows pulse frequency to be maintained at a predetermined resonant condition sensed by the circuit. Together, the circuits of Figures 7 and 8 determine an output signal to the pulsing core until the peak voltage signal sensed at resonance is achieved.
A resonant condition occurs when the pulse frequency and the voltage input attenuates the covalent bonding forces of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms of the water molecule. When this occurs, amp leakage through the water capacitor is minimized. The tendency of voltage to maximize at resonance increases the force of the electric potential applied to the water molecules, which ultimately disassociate into atoms.
Because resonances of different waters, water volumes, and capacitor cells vary, the resonant scanning circuit of Figure 8 is useful. The scanning circuit o Figure 8 scans frequency from high to low to high repeating until a signal lock is determined. The ferromagnetic core of the voltage intensifier circuit transformer suppresses electron surge in an out-of-resonance condition of the fuel cell. In an example, the circuit scans at frequencies from 0 Hz to 10 KHz t 0 Hz. In water having contaminants in the range of 1 ppm to 20 ppm, a 20% variance in resonant frequency is encountered. Depending on water flow rate into fuel cell, the normal variance range is about 8-10%. For example, iron in well water affects the status of molecular disassociation. Also, at a resonant condition harmonic effects occur. In a typical operation of the cell with a representative water capacitor described below, at a frequency of about 5 KHz at unipolar pulses from 0 to 650 volts at a sensed resonant condition into the resonant cavity, conversion of about 5 gallons of water per hour into a fuel gas will occur on average. To increase the rate, multiple resonant cavities can be used and/or the surfaces of the water capacitor can be increased, however, the water capacitor cell is preferably small in scale. A typical water capacitor may be formed from a 0.5 inch in diameter stainless steel rod and a 0.75 inch inside diameter cylinder that together extend concentrically about 3.0 inches with respect to each other.
Shape and size of the resonant cavity may vary. Larger resonant cavities and higher rates of consumption of water in the conversion process require higher frequencies such as up to 50 KHz and above. The pulsing rate, to sustain such high rates of conversion must be correspondingly increased.
From the foregoing description of the preferred embodiment, other variations and modifications of the system disclosed will be evident to those of skill in the art.
US Patent Application 20050246059 MLS-Hydroxyl Filling Station (MLS-HFS)
( 3 Nov. 2005 )
Stephen F. Meyer
US Cl. 700/231
The utility of the MLS-HFS hydroxyl filling station, its configuration, design, and operation is the keystone of a new type of automation the production of hydroxyl gases from renewable resources.
[0002] Fuel cell and auto industries have been looking for methods and apparatus that can supply a source of hydrogen and oxygen for its new hybrid industry. This invention is such a device
[0003] The invention is a computerizes automatic on site/mobile hydroxyl gas producing filling station that allows the products being produced to be used either by the hydrogen fuel cells installed in automobiles, trucks, buses, boats and land base generating applications or in any internal combustion engine.
[0004] Drawing FIG. 1 shows the configuration of apparatus used in the MLS-hydroxyl filling Station (MLS-HFS).
[0005] Drawing FIG. 2 shows the software display the operator uses to monitor and control the production of hydroxyl gases and heat.
[0006] Drawing FIG. 3 shows the methods, configuration, and apparatus used in the hydroxyl producing cell 120 system.
[0007] Drawing FIG. 4 shows the electronic impedance matching circuits 102 connected between the dual three phase generators (A&B) 110 FIG. 3 and each of the wave-guide arrays 132 in cell 120 FIG. 3. Note that only generator A is depicted in the drawing FIG. 4 as being connected to arrays A-B-C using PC cards 1-3. Generator B is connected to arrays D-E-F using cards 4-6.
[0008] Drawing FIG. 5 shows the signals applied to each of the arrays 132 FIG. 3 installed in hydroxyl cell 120 emitted from each of the impedance matching circuits 102 FIG. 4 mounted on PC cards 1-6. These sets of signals FIG. 5 with their offsetting phase relationship, frequencies and amplitudes are the driving forces producing the hydroxyl gases in cell 120 FIG. 3.
[0009] Drawing FIG. 6 shows the high frequency ringing signal located between test points T1 and T2 in impedance matching circuit 102 drawing FIG. 4. It is this ringing that also enhances the production of the hydroxyl gases in cell 120 FIG. 3.
[0010] FIG. 1

[0012] The automatic control section in FIG. 1 consist of a computer 70 software program 75 video monitor 90 and its graphic operator display 95 (FIG. 2) pointer 85 keyboard 80 interface card 72 and I/O controller 100 with its driver electronics cards 102 and 105.
[0013] Dual three phase power sources 110 and impedance matching circuits 102 provide the power needed to drive the hydroxyl cell 120.
[0014] The remaining apparatus are used to conduit the gases from cells 120, through liquid trap 130, through gas flow restriction valve 135, elevate its gas pressures through compressor 140, transfer them to storage tank 150. Then deliver the gases through safety cut off 165 regulators 160 through flash back arrestor 170 for external delivery.
[0015] FIG. 2

[0017] FIG. 3

[0019] FIG. 4

[0021] FIG. 5

[0023] FIG. 6

[0025] Brief Description of Sequences
[0026] This invention is a computerized Hydroxyl gas producing filling station MLS-HFS designed to provide automatic control of its on site gas production and delivery.
[0027] The MLS-HFS FIG. 1 is a hydroxyl gas and heat generating system using a renewable source of liquid supply 30 such as water. It uses a computer control program 75 with display interface 95 for the monitoring, adjusting and controlling of the electronic and hardware apparatus and process logic. The electronic circuits 102 mounted in driver 100 controls the production of the gases and heating while circuit 105 control the process and routing of the hydroxyl gas.
[0028] The MLS-HFS consists of a low-pressure hydrolyser cell 120 FIG. 1, a liquid trap 130, an adjustable flow restriction value 135, high-pressure vacuum compressor 140, and check value 142 installed in 140. It also contains a high-pressure storage tank 150-alarm/low pressure cut off valve 165 gas regulator 160 flashback arrestor 170 and over pressure safety release valves 125 pressure gauges 128 and analog pressure sending units 122 installed on cell 120, tank 150 at the regulating side of regulator 160. Also 125 is installed on Compressor 140 high pressure out-put. The computer controller 70 monitor 90 keyboard 80 interface I/O card 72 and software position pointer 85 is used to control the production process using electronic driver 100 through its PC boards 105 and their attached control devices. The power to the cell driving circuits 102 installed in driver 100 is supplied from a dual three phase isolated power source 110. The amplitude, signal phases, and frequency from this power source is controlled by signal adjustments from the computer 70.
[0029] Detailed Description
[0030] Sequence of Operation
[0031] The MLS-HFS FIG. 1 is monitored and controlled by the soft-ware program 75-computer 70 monitors 90 keyboard 80 pointer 85 and display interface 95, FIG. 2.
[0032] The software program 75 FIG.1 has five main functions.
[0033] They are: to purge the system of ambient air, check and test for any equipment malfunctions, ready the system for production, monitor and control current activities of the production and safety shutdown of the system on detection of alarms.
[0034] During the initial installation and after any repairs the total system is purge via the vacuum pump 140 by manual rerouting valuing to ensure that all-ambient air has been removed from the system.
[0035] Before the system is put into service the operator via the graphic display 95, FIG. 2, keyboard 80 monitors 90 and pointer 85 can test the system for operation. The main functions of the testing is to ensure that the temperature electronics 131 attached to the hydroxyl cells 120 transferring compressor 140 and analog pressure sensors 122 mounted on cells 120 high pressure tank 150 and discharge side of regulator 160 used for control and monitoring are working properly. The operator then can activate the run sequence of the program 75via start software button 280 FIG. 2 on graphic display 95.
[0036] During the initial startup phase of the MLS-HFS system FIG. 1 the computer program 75 will configure the system for the purge sequence. This sequence will allow the vacuum pump 140 to draw down the hydroxyl cells 120 liquid trap 130 coupled to flow restriction value 135 and compressor 140 to removing all ambient air from them. Once the program 75 has detected no leaks, it then readies the system for gas production by routing the gas flow from 120 to high-pressure tank 150 and then to output flash back protector 170.
[0037] The program 75 starts off its production sequence by first turning on the cooling system consisting of liquid pump 10 that is submerse in liquid bath 30 contain in vessel 20. The cooling liquid 30 is pumped through cooling jacket 50 attached to the outside of cells 120 through Filter 45 and then through cooling air radiator 60. Fans attached to the radiator 60 are turned on for cooling.
[0038] Next the computer 70 turns on the dual three phase power source 110 that supplies the frequency, phase shifting and signals amplitudes to impedance matching circuits 102 FIG. 4 which is coupled to hydroxyl producing cells 120.
[0039] The result of this is just like the operation of a radio transmitter matching its signal to the air via the antenna impedance. Refer to FIG. 3 showing the relationship of this configuration to arrays 132, water bath 133 and Signals FIG. 5,6.
[0040] While the power source 110 is operating, computer 70 is monitoring the pressure 122 and temperature 131 of hydroxyl cell 120. When the cell pressures reaches a typical level of 5 pounds, the power source 110 is turned off and the compressor 140 is turned on starting the conveying of hydroxyl gases to high-pressure tank 150. When the hydroxyl cells 120 is drawn down to near zero pressure, the compressor 140 is turned off and power source 110 is turned back on starting the production cycle again.
[0041] The production cycle is repeated until tank 150 reaches a typical level of 80 pounds. At this time the computer 70 enables the output pressure regulator 160 set at a typical level of 40 pounds for the delivery of the hydroxyl gas to some external storage system or device.
[0042] During the production of hydroxyl gases computer 70 cycle the apparatus to maintain required levels. At the same time, the graphic display 95 indicates the activities of the system and alerts the operator of any malfunctions or process warnings.
[0043] Impedance Matching Circuit 102
[0044] The impedance matching circuits 102 FIG. 4 converts the sine-wave signals from the three phase power source 110 FIG. 3 into multi polarity differential signals FIG. 5 that are applied to the triple wave-guide clusters arrays 132 A,B,C,D,E,F installed in cell 120.
[0045] Its is this converted signal FIG. 5 along with the phase relationship of the power source 110 and the triple wave-guides element in cluster 132 that are submerge in a water bath 133 that produces the hydroxyl gases. It is important to note that not only is the gas produced between the elements in an array but also, between each array installed in cell 120 FIG. 3 (see array A-B-C phase relationship). Also that the array elements themselves are supplying much of the ions needed for the production of the gases.
[0046] Sequence of Hydroxyl Gas Generation
[0047] Once the hydroxyl-generating cell 120 has been purged of Ambient air and production routing completed (FIG. 1). The dual three-phase power source 110 is activated supplying frequency, amplitude, and phase signals to impedance matching circuitry 102. The converted signals from 102 are then applied to cell array 132 for processing. It is the combination of the impedance matching circuits 102-signal transformations FIG. 5,6; the cell configuration and materials used in arrays 132 and the rotational phase relationship between arrays AD, BE and CFand the submersion of these arrays 132 in a bath of water 133 that allows the MLS-HFS to produce large amounts hydroxyl gases. The computer program 75 and its graphic display 95 is used by the operator to adjust the rate of gas production and set the upper limit that the low pressure cell 120 will charge to.
[0048] After the cell 120 has reached its upper pressure cutoff limit (typically 5LBS). The power source 110 is turned off enabling the compressor 140 to start its draw down and transferring of the gases to the high-pressure tank 150. When the pressure in the cell 120 reaches a low-level limit (near zero LBS) 140 stops its charging cycle of 150. Check value 142 installed in 140 prevents any back flow of gases to 120 from the high-pressure tank 150. The power source 110 is then turned back on repeating the cycle. The charging cycles continual until high-pressure tank 150 reaches its upper pressure limit (typically 80 LBS) stopping the production of hydroxyl. As the gases are being used and/or transferred to external containers. The pressure is monitored for low-level cut-out limit (typicality 40 pounds) at pressure regulator 160 output . Once at this level the gas production cycle is restarted.
[0049] During cell 120 operations, the temperature is monitored for out of limit conditions set by control231 using the graphic display 95. Should the temperature reach an excess limit, the gas production is stopped and the computer program 75 alerts the operator of the problem. The cooling system 30 using water jacket 50 attached to cell 120 helps reduces the temperature 131 and allows for higher gas production.
[0050] After extended running times, the water in cell 120 is replenished by bath 30 and filtered by 45 to help control the operating impedance of the cell.
[0051] A listing related to software program 75 is depicted in text files attached to ePAVE and their file names are as follows: CombustAllP1 through CombustAllP19, Tank-TrackingDataFormP1-P2, TempTrackingFormP1-P2 and CellChargeTimeP1-P2.